【The Daily Meal】15 Japanese Eating Etiquette Rules You Need To Know

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15 Japanese Eating Etiquette Rules You Need To Know - The Daily Meal
Each culture has its own set of rules and etiquette when it comes to dining. Here's what you should know before sitting ...



意味 〈人· 行為などが〉 失礼な, 無礼な, 無作法な, ぶしつけな (相手の気持ちを考えない厚かましさを表す)

Placing your chopsticks across your bowl signals to those you’re dining with, and the chef, that you are finished eating. This could be considered rude if you are still eating and there’s food remaining in your bowl. Similarly, you should never leave chopsticks sticking straight up in your bowl. This is thought to bring bad luck, and it’s considered poor etiquette.




意味 〈言葉· 行為などが〉(人を) 安心させる, 元気づける

In Japan, you can throw the slurping rulebook out the window! Slurping is a way of life, and it’s practically mandatory if you want to make a good impression at dinner — whether you’re dining in somebody’s home or in a restaurant. In fact, slurping your noodles or soup is a sign of appreciation, showing that you’re actively enjoying your food. As well as reassuring your hosts (or restaurant staff) that your dish is going down well, slurping is thought to enhance the flavor of dishes.




意味 (くだけて) 抜け出せなくて, 離れられなくて

This is a big no-no. Stabbing your food with your chopsticks is considered a serious etiquette crime – not just in Japan but across Asia. Chopsticks aren’t all that difficult to master, and you can practice at home if you’re struggling. If you get really stuck, nobody will mind if you ask for a fork.




意味 凝った, 入念な, 精巧な〈デザインなど〉

Many sushi rolls, such as maki, are designed to be dipped into soy. This adds a rich, salty, umami flavor that complements the fish, meat, eggs, rice, and seaweed. However, you’ll find some more elaborate sushi rolls have already been marinated, so you don’t need to dip these in soy sauce. Again, you can avoid adding more soy to pre-drizzled rolls to enjoy the flavors the chef intended.




意味 …をくしゃくしゃにして丸める (up).

If you absolutely must wipe your face, for whatever reason, do that first, then use the towel to clean your hands. Once you’ve finished, remember to fold or roll your towel — never scrunch it up or toss it back onto the table unfolded.

