【NBC News】The reason so many people are putting pickles in Dr Pepper right now — and how it tastes

stainless steel fork on green labeled can 英語ニュース多読


The reason so many people are putting pickles in Dr Pepper right now — and how it tastes
“… it’s sick and wrong… but part of me wants to try it…” wrote one Reddit user.



意味 [通例文中で]根気強く, 我慢強く, 気長に〈待つ· 聞く· 説明するなど〉.

After patiently waiting in the drive-through, a restaurant worker takes Memaw’s order of a large Dr Pepper with pickles. Missing from the exchange is what some might expect to be confusion, although the worker does say she has to charge the customization by marking it down as cherries.


Don’t knock it till you’ve tried it.

意味 やってみるまでけちをつけるな.

“Don’t knock it till you try it. If you like pickles and you like Dr Pepper, and you’re probably like ‘Ew gross, I would never ever drink that,’ but there’s a lot of people that do drink this,” Memaw says, stirring the pickles further into her drink. “Did you hear her, the way she took my order? I’m not the only person that’s ever ordered this, babe.”



strike a nerve

意味 (人の) 痛い所 [泣き所, 弱点] に触れる.

Memaw’s short and sweet video seems to have struck a nerve, with nearly 6,500 comments talking about the flavor combination.



意味 〈情報· 支持など〉を集める; 〈称賛など〉を得る.

Since Memaw’s video went viral, it seems a lot of people are ordering this menu hack. Some are sharing their favorable and negative reviews on the platform, garnering thousands of views themselves.


dare (to) do

意味 〈人が〉あえて…する, …する勇気がある, 思い切って…する [できる]; 生意気にも [大胆にも]…する (進行形にしない;)

Still, as someone who has dared to try Hidden Valley Ranch-flavored ice cream with open arms, I had to give this flavor combination a taste. Admittedly, I tried this with ingredients I had at home as my closest Sonic is nearly an hour away.

