【Well+Good】The 4 Best Home Remedies for Sore Gums, According to Dentists

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The 4 Best Home Remedies for Sore Gums, According to Dentists | Well+Good
Dentists break down the best home remedies for sore gums along with what to avoid when you have gum pain and how to prev...



意味 (炎症などで) 痛い所; 傷; (赤い) 腫れ

Sore gums are uncomfortable, so if you’re searching for soothing remedies for gum discomfort, that’s totally understandable. Just know that sore gums can often be a sign of an oral health issue like gum disease, so your first line of defense should be a visit to your dentist to address the underlying problem.



意味 〈寒さなどが〉〈体の一部〉を麻痺 [硬直] させる.

Cold naturally numbs the gums, reduces swelling, and alleviates pain associated with sore gums, which is why you’re often given an ice pack at your local dentist’s office after a dental procedure, Dr. Sands says.


発音は「 /nʌm/ 」


意味 綿棒, 綿球, 脱脂綿; それで採取した検査用の分泌物.

“Apply a small amount of aloe vera gel directly to the affected gums using a clean finger or cotton swab,” says Dr. Sands. “Leave it on for a few minutes, then rinse your mouth with water.” He recommends repeating this two to three times daily until your symptoms improve.


よかった、ちゃんと洗い流すのねw でも個人的には一つ上の「塩水でうがい」の方が効きそうだと思う。

contribute (to A)

意味 〈物· 事が〉(A〈結果· 事件など〉の) 一因となる, 一助となる (進行形にしない)

“Turmeric can help reduce gum inflammation and fight bacteria that contribute to soreness,” says Dr. Sands. He recommends mixing about half a teaspoon of turmeric powder with a small amount of water to form a paste. “Apply the paste to the affected gums and leave it on for 5 to 10 minutes, then rinse your mouth thoroughly with water,” he says. “Use this remedy once daily until symptoms subside.”




意味 〈洗剤· 石けんなどが〉きつい, 強すぎる.

One such remedy that Dr. Sands recommends avoiding is the overuse of mouthwash containing alcohol. “Mouthwashes with high alcohol content can be harsh on the gums and may exacerbate inflammation or irritation,” he says. “Instead, opt for alcohol-free mouthwash or gentle mouthwashes to avoid further discomfort.”


