【SoraNews24】Japanese curry pasta is quick to make, receives rave reviews

soup with vegetable on white ceramic bowl beside stainless steel spoon 英語ニュース多読


Japanese curry pasta is quick to make, receives rave reviews
Japanese curry is now as simple as boiling pasta in a pot!


a souvenir shop

意味 みやげ物店

Our reporter K. Masami was recently browsing inside a souvenir shop in Hyogo Prefecture when a curious item called “Curry Pasta” caught her eye.



意味 (かたく) かなり, 相当 (に), ずいぶん

Once it was cooked, the pasta had softened up considerably, but it still had a wonderful curry aroma.



意味 (〈スープなど〉を) 音を立ててすすり飲む [食べる].

It was chewy with just the right amount of bite, and when she slurped up her first mouthful, she found the pasta was full of flavour, with a salty finish that suggested she didn’t need to add any salt to it at all. She couldn’t quite believe what she was eating, because though these looked like pasta noodles, it tasted like…Japanese curry!



sing out

意味 (大声で) 歌う; 叫ぶ, どなる.

After trying the Curry Pasta, Masami understood why people online, and the staff member at the store, had given it such rave reviews. It truly was a delicious pasta, and though she was tempted to add a curry sauce to it, she’s glad she went with the cream sauce, as it allowed the flavour of the curry in the pasta to sing out rather than be buried under a curry roux.


