【The New Yorker】What Phones Are Doing to Reading

person reading story in Amazon Kindle tablet 英語ニュース多読


What Phones Are Doing to Reading
It’s becoming harder, or at least less common, to read the old-fashioned way. But the new ways of reading are not all ba...



意味 乱雑に散らかった物; 散らかった山.

But what was at first a matter of clutter-free convenience became a habit, and now I encounter nearly every written work, regardless of its length, quality, and difficulty, on the small screen of my iPhone.




意味 [C] [IT] (情報の) 読み出し (装置); 読み出した情報.

According to the little readout beneath the cover image for each book, I am nine per cent through the Cusk, a distressing three per cent through the Lowry reread, and a hundred per cent through the Indiana, a book I found liberating, both for its style and for its freeing expression of unpleasant thoughts.




意味 <仕事などの> 小休止, 休息; <病気の> 小康 <from>

The e-reading apps have their merits. At times, they become respites from the other, more addictive apps on my phone. Switching to a book from, say, Twitter, is like the phone-scroller’s version of a nice hike—the senses reorient themselves, and you feel more alert and vigorous, because you’ve spent six to eight minutes going from seven to eleven per cent of Arthur Koestler’s “Darkness at Noon.”




意味 [C][通例~s]<…のための> (組織などへの) 寄付金, 基金 <for>; [U]寄付 (行為).

By 2021, the number had fallen to 12.6. In 2023, a National Endowment for the Arts survey found that the share of American adults who read novels or short stories had declined from 45.2 per cent in 2012 to 37.6 per cent in 2022, a record low. There are plenty of theories about why this is happening, involving broad finger-pointing toward the Internet or the ongoing influence of television, or even shifting labor conditions, as more women have entered the workforce.




意味 (かたく/おどけて) 心を啓発する, 徳性を向上させる, 教化的な, 教訓的な (instructive).

We continue to spend a lot of time reading words, whether via social media or push notifications or text messages, but it can seem off to label any of that “reading,” a term that suggests something edifying or educational. Even book apps, I find, can feel like a sort of in-between, not the time suck of social media but also not the comfortable absorption of a good paperback. There’s something about scrolling and tapping that leads to a quick calcification of muscle memory.


