【Eater NY】This Vegan Restaurant Is in It for the Long Haul



This Vegan Restaurant Is in It for the Long Haul
Open since 2015, Brooklyn’s Toad Style is focused on its legacy



意味 …を再び元気づける, …の活気を取り戻させる.

When Toad Style opened up at 93 Ralph Avenue, at Putnam Avenue, in Brooklyn’s Bedford-Stuyvesant neighborhood in 2015, the vegan restaurant landscape in New York City looked newly reinvigorated. Superiority Burger had opened in its original location on East Ninth Street; the now-closed Champs Diner had made itself a fixture in Williamsburg since its 2010 opening; Hangawi was (and is) serving vegan Korean food on East 32nd street; and old-school stalwarts like Angelica Kitchen and Candle 79 were still operating. The time was right for owners Jillian Camera and Tyler Merfeld, who grew up in New Jersey, to serve their soy- and palm oil- free takes on vegan comfort food to a customer base primed for scratch-made veggie burgers with housemade nut cheeses.




意味 寄せ集めの, にわか作りの

“It really felt like we were being lifted up and maybe that’s just a new business thing in general, but I think specifically for a more scratch-made, fast-casual vegan thing, it really felt like we knew that it was needed and everyone knew that they wanted it,” Camera says. “It seemed that people were eating so much vegan food already, but they wanted it to be better.”



意味  自然食品 (玄米· 全粒粉など)

By “better,” Camera means with attention to using recognizable ingredients and awareness of allergens. Since opening, they’ve focused on an affordable, whole-foods approach that was different from Manhattan’s more health-focused or upscale vegan restaurants. They have offered gluten-free options, from the start, too, which can be difficult and rare in conjunction with removing all animal products. When they served a gyro special in 2017, it was made with mushrooms and artichoke rather than the wheat-gluten-based seitan versions that could be found elsewhere. A seitan gyro has limited appeal, but when Toad Style makes one with mushroom and artichokes, the possibilities for who wants to drop by for lunch expand. Toad Style has always been, in short, accessible in every way.




意味 [U]風変わりな考え方; 奇行.

“Now I wonder if people aren’t eating as much vegan food because it’s not better,” Camera says, as these products have dominated the conversation and new vegan menu items everywhere from chains to smaller restaurants. They’ve added a line to their Instagram bio to let people know they’re Impossible and Beyond free. And though vegan food can seem trendy and subject to broader cultural whims, like interest in meat-heavy diets such as keto and carnivore, Camera has noticed omnivores coming in who want to eat plant-based meals more regularly.




意味 (かたく) <物· 事などに> 大いに興味を持って, 魅惑されて <of, with>

“All these individual components” include the burger patties, cheeses, pickles, and a homemade ketchup that just goes on one classic cheeseburger served with almond mozzarella. They also serve vegan, gluten-free takes on the Taco Bell Crunchwrap, filled with five-bean chili, burritos of chipotle jackfruit, and a Buffalo cauliflower quesadilla. Camera is especially enamored of their pickle soup right now; a cup is $5.


pickle soup!むせそうだけどw美味しいだろうなー!
