【The Daily Meal】What Is Boston Cream Pie And Was It Actually Invented In The City?



What Is Boston Cream Pie And Was It Actually Invented In The City? - The Daily Meal
Boston cream pie is a well-known dessert, but its name is a bit of a mystery. Many assume the dessert originated in Bost...

Boston cream pieについて。


意味 [C][U]フォンダン, すり蜜 (甘いペーストでキャンディやケーキの材料).

Boston cream pie is a cake-like dessert made out of two layers of golden sponge cake sandwiched around a creamy custard filling and covered in a signature chocolate fondant icing. It is sometimes topped with a sprinkle of confectioner’s sugar or swirled with a pattern of white icing. The dessert may also feature a layer of sliced almonds pressed along the sides.



意味 〈より新しい· 効率的なものが〉〈古い· 効率の悪いもの〉に取って代わる (しばしば受け身で) .

The classic American dessert has become a mainstay in bakeries and is often available behind display cases at grocery stores. It was named the official state dessert of Massachusetts in 1996. It may even be superseded in fame by its miniature counterpart, the Boston cream donut. Regardless of its popularity, the backstory of the Boston cream pie remains unclear.


発音は「 /sùːpərsíːd, (英)sjùː-/ 」


意味 (パンなどを焼く) オーブン用容器 ((米)pan)

As for the “pie” identifier, the name may have been a result of baking trends in the 1800s. Bakers in New England were known for cakes and pies, which were often similar in style, according to What’s Cooking America, especially compared with today’s pies. Early Boston cream pies may have also been made using pie tins, which were more common than cake pans at the time.




意味 〈腹が〉グーグー鳴る.

If all this talk of Boston cream pie has your stomach rumbling, don’t worry, because we have a recipe for you. Omni Hotels shares a recipe for the “original” Boston cream pie on its blog.

