【The Daily Meal】Tiger Salad Is A Spicy, Herby Mix Sure To Boost Any Protein

green vegetable on brown wooden table 英語ニュース多読


Tiger Salad Is A Spicy, Herby Mix Sure To Boost Any Protein - The Daily Meal
What is Tiger salad and how can it add a spicy palate refresher to your next meal? This Northern Chinese staple can comp...



意味 (書)〈人が〉<痛み· 怒り· 興奮などで> 大声をあげる, どなる, わめく (out) <in, with> 〈ライオン· トラなどが〉うなる, ほえる.

When a meal needs to roar with flavor, it might be time to serve a plate of tiger salad. Although no animals are harmed with this recipe, the Chinese name Lau Hu Cai, gets its name from the Chinese word for tiger. Looking at the visuals for this vibrant green bowl of vegetables, some believe the animal references bold flavors while others suggest it is similar to the animal’s mane. After enjoying a bite, bright, zesty notes perk up the palate, which can have people roaring in delight.



意味 [通例 a ~](噴出した· 絞り出した) 少量の液体; 噴出.

Although recipes and ingredients vary, generally the dish includes an herb, a crunchy textural component, and a bold seasoning. The herb is often cilantro, but it could be swapped for another leafy herb, like mint or basil. For the crunch, the ingredients are often celery, green pepper, cucumber, or another raw green vegetable. Lastly, the seasoning can come from a variety of sources. Whether it is a few red pepper flakes, a squirt of sriracha, or even a dollop of chili crunch, almost anything can be used to bring a touch of heat to the other bright flavors.




意味 〈活動· 感情など〉を刺激する, 活気づける

Although the ingredients can vary, the green, herbal, spicy tiger salad has almost unlimited pairings. Since the salad is bright, refreshing, it helps to bring balance to a meal. Some cooks believe that the combination of sour, spicy, and herbal helps to stimulate the palate. When picking a protein to pair with this dish, it might be more about either personal preference or the particular setting.




意味 [C] [動] 甲殻類 (エビ· カニなど).

For example, serving tiger salad with some sauteed shrimp can bring out the sweetness in the crustacean. Given that the salad can be spicy, consider a simple seasoning on the shrimp to allow each component to shine. A similar idea can be applied to chicken, white fish, or even pork.


発音は「 /krʌstéɪʃ (ə)n/ 」


意味 情熱 [エネルギー] がある; 気力 [意志] がある .

When pairing with a heartier protein, like lamb, the herbaceous notes help to lift the game protein. Although tiger salad is often served with cilantro, swapping the herb for mint with a lamb pairing could be enjoyable. Given that lamb and mint are a scientifically proven pairing, it could add more versatility to the Chinese salad.


