【The Daily Meal】The Chinese Food Myth We Should All Stop Believing



意味 (かたく) すみずみまで広がる, 行き渡る, 普及性の; 浸透性の

Based on these figures, it’s easy to see that Chinese cuisine is wildly popular in this country. However, its popularity doesn’t safeguard it from pervasive myths and misinformation, which leads to assumptions about numerous aspects of Chinese cuisine, as well as Chinese culture as a whole. One myth involves the cost of Chinese food and ingredients, which some diners, unfortunately, believe should be as cheap as possible.




意味 〈人が〉<…を> 躊躇する, ためらう, <…に> 尻込みする <at>.

Despite its popularity in the U.S., many Americans continue to have misconceptions about Chinese cuisine. One of the most pervasive myths is that authentic Chinese food must always be inexpensive, to the point where some people balk at the price of food and ingredients when they’re higher than expected. This myth has its roots in the Chinese Exclusion Act, which was enacted in 1882 and prevented Chinese laborers from coming to the U.S. for a period of ten years.



意味 〈人など〉を誘う, 誘惑する , 誘い出す, おびき寄せる

While this exception to the Chinese Exclusion Act enabled immigrants to earn a living and provide for their families, many restauranteurs faced an uphill battle when it came to attracting customers. As a result, it was commonplace for dining establishments to offer food at a lower price to entice American diners.




意味 (十分な知識· 根拠がなく) <…について> (あれこれと) 推測する, 憶測する, 思案する (guess) <on, about, as to, upon>

According to Colgate Magazine, this association may be linked to a letter printed in the New England Journal of Medicine in 1968, in which Dr. Robert Ho Man Kwok speculated on the possible health effects of MSG, such as “numbness in the back of the neck” and “general weakness.”




意味 [U]一様であること, 同一性, 一貫性, 統一性

Another common myth has to do with the uniformity of Chinese cuisine. The truth is, China is replete with numerous regions and cultures, each of which has its own unique cooking style. Sichuan, Hunan, and Cantonese are a few of these styles, but they really only scratch the surface of what’s available when it comes to Chinese cooking.


