【DifferenceBetween.com】What is the Difference Between Mindfulness and Meditation

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What is the Difference Between Mindfulness and Meditation | Compare the Difference Between Similar Terms
The key difference between mindfulness and meditation is that mindfulness involves paying attention to the present momen...



意味 〈仕事· 経験などが〉やりがい [価値] のある

Both mindfulness and meditation help you to have a fulfilled and rewarding life while reducing your stress, anxiety, and depression. They improve your sleep and focus and even control your diabetes level. Mindfulness makes your mind active since you need to concentrate well on the present situation, yet meditation takes you to the depth of being yourself and just observing your thoughts without analyzing them.




意味 [U] (一般に) 会話, 問答

There are various ways to practice mindfulness in our daily lives. We can develop it by being with nature or by meditating. We can also include short pauses in our day-to-day life or add mindfulness to activities like sports or yoga. We can also practice this while sitting or walking. This method helps us to improve our performance, focus on the present moment, silence our inner dialogues, and gain insight and awareness by observing our minds.




意味 〈人· 物· 話などが〉 (知らぬ間に) 移りかわる

You can practice meditation by following several steps. First, select a place without any disturbance. Then set a time limit starting with shorter sessions. After that, be comfortable and pay attention to your body. Then pay attention to your breathing pattern and focus on how they feel. Finally, meditate by noticing your thoughts without judging or analyzing them. Notice how they drift away, and when they do, refocus them on your breathing pattern.


