【TIME】What Feeling Stuck Does to Your Body

man covering face with both hands while sitting on bench 英語ニュース多読


What Feeling Stuck Does to Your Body
Mental stillness creates tension, proving it's essential that we include movement in our lives.



意味 <…について> 想像する, 空想する <about>.

Have you ever felt frozen, as if you can’t seem to move forward in life? Perhaps it’s as if you can’t seem to move on from a trauma or a heartbreak—or you can’t tap into the passion or enthusiasm that once came so easily. Maybe you’re so unmotivated at work that you spend time fantasizing about “getting away” somewhere you can’t quite name.



holistic medicine

意味 ホリスティック [全体観的] 医学.

To answer this question, it’s worth considering what “stuck” can look like on the physical level. As a medical doctor who has been practicing holistic medicine since the 1950s—long before the word “holistic” was in common use—I’ve seen plenty of patients whose stuckness developed in their soul long before it manifested in their bodies. I once treated a very smart and self-aware 80-year-old woman, Theresa, who had been suffering from severe intestinal obstructions for several months. Theresa had consulted other doctors and tried everything she knew to do physically, but the blockages had persisted. She came into my office distraught and clearly uncomfortable. “I don’t want to live the rest of my life this way,” she said.




意味 <基準などから>…をそらす, 逸脱させる <from>.

“My dreams? What would my dreams have to do with it?” Theresa asked, leaning back in her chair and crossing her arms, gripping her upper arms lightly in frustration. She gave me a look that made it clear that she didn’t appreciate my deviating from the topic at hand. The trouble was that from my perspective, those questions had everything to do with the topic at hand. Diet, exercise, and hydration are great places to start when it comes to issues affecting digestion. Water is important because it helps break down the food we eat, enabling the body to absorb nutrients. Then water helps what’s left to move out. Our diet is crucial because the more whole foods we eat, the more fiber we take in, which helps stimulate our bowels to move food and nutrients through and out of the body. Exercise is important because it increases blood flow to the muscles in and around our gut, helping them do their job. Do you see a pattern here? Our bodies work because they were built to move.




意味 いやいやながら, 仕方なく〈賛成する· 応じるなど〉; [文修飾]しぶしぶ

Finally, she admitted that she had been feeling sad lately. When I asked why, she reluctantly explained that she had lost someone close to her…and someone else. And then someone else. Eventually, Theresa admitted that she had lost five close friends and family members in the past year. Her eyes flitted toward the ceiling as she said it, then back toward the floor. She looked anywhere but directly into my eyes.



意味 踏みつけられた.

We can also easily find ourselves stuck psychologically, often due to trauma. Our brain feels as though it’s in a loop sometimes because it actually is—we’ve found a well-trodden neural pathway and dug in deep.

