【Fragrantica Perfumes】You Deserve a Little Treat

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You Deserve a Little Treat ~ Fragrance Reviews ~ Fragrantica
Matt Morris rounds up several new niche and indie gourmands that are delicious accompaniments to sunny, heated up summer...



意味 〈記事など〉にざっと目を通す, …を拾い読みする

I keep to cool environments as much as possible year round—living in Chicago and occasionally working in Antwerp mostly takes care of that, but otherwise I am usually air conditioned like my deeply southern grandmamas taught me to be. So oftentimes I skim past conversations about what perfumes smell best or perform well in what range of temps. But as I’ve just filed grades and completed a semester of teaching mostly within oily, prismatic painters’ studios, like most of the northern hemisphere, I want a little bit of touching grass, as it were.




意味 [C] [法] (宗教上の理由などで宣誓の代わりにする) 確約, 証言.

You deserve a little treat. That affirmation can mean lots of things, but here I’m applying it to a type of perfume that’s as special and rare as it is unusual and unlikely. I’m referring to gourmands that you can carry out into the sun with you, delicious little morsels that remain tempting and edible even as temperatures rise.



意味 (かたく)〈人が〉〈警告· 要求· 忠告など〉に注意を払う.

Gourmands are one of the few areas in perfume that I sometimes heed this concern about weather and wearability. I figure that many of us have found ourselves (or someone around us) in the crisis of sweat and body odor sliding around with caramellic, cake batter, and chocolate notes that all start to smell…unmanageable to be polite about it. There’s a threshold beyond which all of these parts just don’t go.




意味 [U][C] (性的· 犯罪的) 誘惑 (行為).

We reach for perfumes for all matter of purposes: seduction, protection, expression, self determination. And oftentimes, the concepts of ‘treat yo’self’ and ‘little happies’ lap over into regimens of care—blending pampering, mindfulness, and a restful withdrawal into daydream into the sensorial pleasures one finds swathed in comforting smells.




意味 (地球の) 赤道 .

Despite the equator-adjacent tropics from which it’s sourced, vanilla is often pruned and defanged into patisserie connotations. And while ooey gooey confection can be a super welcome direction for those of us seduced into clever gourmands—if you’ll give me marshmallow, give me creme brûlée, toffee, meringue, burnt sugars, I’m sitting pretty—it’s just not the whole story or scope of this favorite of materials. And with crops recently depleted, there’s an onus of responsibility to treat what’s available with consideration.

