【Big Think】Why you should laugh at yourself, according to Seneca and Nietzsche

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Why you should laugh at yourself, according to Seneca and Nietzsche
Seneca and Nietzsche had little in common in terms of their philosophical beliefs, but both agreed on the virtues of lau...



意味 (人を) 絶えず悩ませる, 気になって [心配で] 仕方がない〈問題· 感情· 心配など〉

We feel the nagging power of fate each day of our lives. Our umbrella is plucked before rain, an elevator door is shut in our face, we get stuck in bumper-to-bumper traffic, our flight is canceled. It’s human nature to feel upset and try to fight these things.



意味 …を嘆き悲しむ; …を残念がる; …を後悔する; …に失望する

“We should take a lighter view of things and bear them with an easy spirit, for it is more human to laugh at life than to lament it… one allows it a fair prospect of hope, while the other stupidly laments over things he cannot hope will be put right.”




意味 [~ (that) 節]…であると思う

“Laughter expresses the gentlest of our feelings, and reckons that nothing is great or serious or even wretched in all the trappings of our existence.”



意味 〈人などが〉回復力のある, 立ち直りの早い.

Seneca thought that few people are on the path to resilient peace and happiness. Most people are busy chasing empty pleasures, being troubled by restless desires, or fretting over their possessions. Why?



意味 〈人などが〉取るに足らない, つまらない, 無能の.

Yet most people struggle when things don’t turn out how they want them to. They are frustrated, disappointed, and angry because they cannot accept the power of chance, something they clearly have no control over. And fighting against the unchangeable — like the past, an unlucky disease, being screwed by the weather, or other people’s decisions — is not only futile but exhausting.



意味 [U]静寂, 平穏, 落ち着き.

What Seneca describes in On Tranquility of Mind is an undivided love for one’s life, in fortune and misfortune alike, to the extent that not even something tragic could threaten it. This is the most Stoic interpretation of amor fati, or loving one’s fate — a term attributed to the 19th-century German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, who wrote extensively about the value of laughter.


have a grip on A

意味 A〈物など〉を支配する.

Nietzsche recognized, as Seneca did earlier, that if you’re overwhelmed by what you cannot change, you fail to act on the things that you can change — like pursuing a life you actually want to live. Fate has a tight grip on everyone, and life isn’t always fair or easy, but living it can still be wonderful. Instead of feeling defeated by adversity, you could welcome it confidently, smile and even laugh, and keep striving in its wake.


