【Well+Good】9 Foods (and Drinks) To Help Decongest a Stuffy Nose This Cold and Flu Season



9 Foods (and Drinks) To Help Decongest a Stuffy Nose This Cold and Flu Season
So you can breathe easy.


in full swing

意味 〈パーティ· 仕事などが〉真っ最中で, 最高潮で, 調子よく進んで.

With cold and flu season in full swing, chances are that you or someone you know has the misfortune of a stuffy nose. And while serious illness warrants a visit to your doctor’s office, a stuffy nose from the common cold or even the flu can benefit from nutrient-rich home remedies.




意味 [解剖] 洞 (どう) (鼻の後ろにある頭蓋骨のくぼみ); [医] 瘻 (ろう).

Zinc: Zinc is another micronutrient known for its antioxidant properties and has long been associated with common cold (and sinus congestion) relief. Though, the research behind this claim has been hit or miss with some studies finding zinc to not provide much benefit for cold symptoms while others find the mineral to shorten their duration.




意味 〈物· 事が〉 十分である

While some Tiktokers suggest stuffing garlic cloves up your nose to relieve congestion (we’re not kidding), just eating it will suffice. This is because garlic is a powerful anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antiviral agent, helping to target the root cause of your stuffy nose.




意味 [U] (鼻や喉などの) 粘液.

Few things are as comforting as a warm bowl of chicken soup when you’re feeling under the weather. But beyond the nostalgia, chicken soup is full of water and the amino acid cysteine while also releasing steam—all of which may relieve stuffy nose symptoms. One study found chicken soup to help clear nasal mucus faster than hot water.




意味 (かたく) 呼吸の, 呼吸に関する; 呼吸器の

Beyond being a delicious natural sweetener, honey has been a popular natural remedy for thousands of years thanks to its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and antibacterial properties. Plus, it contains salicylic acid which bodes well when you’re in the fog of nasal congestion. A 2021 review even found honey to be an effective treatment for upper respiratory infections, which often result in a stuffy nose.


round out

意味 (米)=round A off .〈人· 事· 物が〉A〈事〉をうまく終える [締めくくる] .

Finally, you have hot chili peppers to round out our list of foods and drinks for a stuffy nose. If you’ve ever eaten a dish made with really spicy peppers in the past, you likely don’t need to explain why these veggies are great for clearing out the sinuses. But research backs this up with one study showing capsaicin (the active compound in chili peppers) to provide quick and effective nasal symptom relief.


