【The Daily Meal】Ranking 12 Fast Food Pickles From Worst To Best



Ranking 12 Fast Food Pickles From Worst To Best - The Daily Meal
If you get a pickle craving on the go, don't leave your cravings unsatisfied. Here are 12 fast food spots that serve pic...



意味 スラッシュ (フローズンドリンクの一種).

Each fast food restaurant uses pickles in its dishes differently, making some places and menu items better than others. Be it through fried pickles, slushies, or, most popularly, as a topping on a sandwich, we have found 12 of the best and worst pickles you can get at a fast food joint.



dill pickles

意味 (ディルで風味を付けた) キュウリの酢漬け.

In last place, but still, a viable option, is Burger King. Typically, when you get pickles from Burger King, you can find them on burgers, chicken sandwiches, and melts, or you may be able to get them as a side. Burger King — in some Canadian locations — also offers the dill pickle chicken nuggets, essentially regular chicken nuggets with pickles in the breading.




意味 (かたく) 〈物〉を散布する, ふりかける, ばらまく

Some people feel that Dairy Queen’s pickles are a great option, with one Twitter user saying, “dairy queen’s pickles are the best.” However, some feel that Dairy Queen’s pickles can be too overpowering in smell and taste in several of the menu items. Often, people find there are too many pickles that are not evenly distributed. Either way, though, Dairy Queen still has a wide variety of uses for pickles and provides a different texture with the crinkle-cut supply.


入れすぎってこと?w でもcrinkle-cutのピクルスは食べごたえありそうでいいなあ。

in a similar vein

意味 [論説]似たような調子で, 同じように

In a similar vein to Subway but with a slightly better supply, Jimmy John’s takes the lead between the two. Jimmy John’s offers predesigned subs with your choice of what ingredients to add, substitute, or take off. This sandwich chain does not directly release the name of its pickle vendor, but the restaurant does offer pickles as a topping on all of its subs. What sets it apart from others, though, is not only the fact that the pickles taste better but that it offers full kosher dill pickles as a side in addition to its pickle slices.


measure up

意味 <期待· 標準などに> 達する, 匹敵する <to> (しばしば否定文· 疑問文で)

One Twitter user said it best, “Wendy’s pickles do slap.” The pickles go on every menu item really well and have little to no complaints from fans of the restaurant. One comment that Wendy’s eaters say is that the chain often overuses pickles on the sandwiches in particular. However, if the flavor becomes too overwhelming, you can always take them off the top and save them as a snack for later. Wendy’s pickles have a great flavor profile and a good reputation among fans but don’t quite measure up to some of the other great pickles at other fast food chains.

