【The New York Times】Restaurant Review: Wylie Dufresne’s Pizzeria Has a Really Good Salad

pizza with green leaves on brown wooden table 英語ニュース多読


Restaurant Review: Wylie Dufresne’s Pizzeria Has a Really Good Salad (Published 2023)
That may not be the takeaway the experimenting chef was hoping for when he opened Stretch Pizza.



意味 粗い, 粗雑な.

When pizza geeks are talking, no step in the process of mixing and rising and baking of pizza is too technical, no detail is too granular. They speak to one another about the hydration of their dough, the effect of long fermentation times, the digestibility of the crust.


To the extent that…

意味 …という点で, …する程度に応じて

To the extent that it had ever caught on, the practice of following scientific principles to achieve breakthroughs in the kitchen had largely faded from restaurant cooking by the time Mr. Dufresne closed wd-50, in 2014, and his more casual restaurant, Alder, in 2015. That approach is very much alive, though, in baking circles — especially, and somewhat improbably, among the younger generation of pizza makers.




意味 (くだけて) (驚き· 興奮で) 目を丸くした; 目のギョロッとした.

So why doesn’t more of the bug-eyed nerd energy that’s so abundant on the pizza scene these days make its way into Stretch Pizza?



意味 [U]消化性 [率].

Mr. Dufresne has vastly improved the crust, bringing it into the modern era. It is much lighter and crisper and fresher-tasting than was usual in the ’80s, when pizza crust had no noticeable flavor except for an occasional sweetness from added sugar, and pizza shops never talked about their dough at all, let alone its digestibility.




意味 真価を試すもの [事]; 基準.

The era of tight trousers and unbuttoned shirts is also the touchstone for, among many others, Scarr’s Pizza and Paulie Gee’s Slice Shop. But their pizzas ooze more streetwise charm than Stretch’s — and more orange grease, for that matter. The 12-inch pies at Stretch are prim, almost chaste.



bend the rules

意味 規則を都合よく曲げる.

Mr. Dufresne may see all this added oil and cheese as cheating, but Stretch could stand to bend the rules. In a sense, it does. The pizzas arrive with three dipping sauces: green goddess, tomato and halal-cart white sauce. But does great pizza need sauce on the side?



wear one’s heart on one’s sleeve

意味 (くだけて) 気持ちを隠さない, あけすけに言う (特に恋心などを) .

Stretch makes two standard pies, plain and pepperoni. All the others are original. The most fun to eat is the Couch Potato, a reworking of a loaded baked potato. The most original may be the Nellie, a heart-on-the-sleeve love song to shallots, which appear roasted, pickled and fried into golden wisps that cling in a lacy cloud above the surface.



push the boundaries of A

意味 A〈考え· 信念など〉の限界を押し広げる, 境界を拡大させる.

There is very little of the boundary-pushing that Mr. Dufresne is known for, although the puddles of horseradish cream between slices of ham on the Ploughman will not be up everyone’s alley, and topping a zucchini and smoked eggplant pizza (the Oddfather) with “tempura crumbs” may not be functionally different from pouring a box of Rice Krispies over it.
