poppy seed / wreck / death row / daunting / acquisition / dementia / eating disorder / come up with A



poppy seed

意味 ケシの実 (ケーキやドレッシングに使う).

Pentagon warns troops eating poppy seeds could lead to failed drugs tests

Pentagon warns troops eating poppy seeds could lead to failed drug tests | CNN Politics
The US Defense Department issued an official warning to troops last week: If you don’t want to test positive on a drug t...


意味 [C] (米) (衝突) 事故 ((英)crash)

EPA says it can fine Norfolk Southern $70,000 a day if it falls short of clean up for Ohio toxic train wreck

EPA says it can fine Norfolk Southern ,000 a day if it falls short of cleaning up and paying for the Ohio toxic train wreck | CNN
The head of the Environmental Protection Agency threatened expensive consequences if Norfolk Southern fails to fully cle...


death row

意味 (主に米) (刑務所内の) 死刑囚監房棟

Supreme Court sides with Arizona death row inmate seeking to challenge sentence in federal court

Supreme Court sides with Arizona death row inmate seeking to challenge sentence in federal court | CNN Politics
The Supreme Court on Wednesday ruled in favor of an Arizona death row inmate who argued he should be able to challenge h...


意味 〈仕事· 見通しなどが〉(人を) ひるませるような, 気をくじく.

US and its allies face even more daunting challenges to come

After a year of arming Ukraine, the US and its allies face even more daunting challenges to come | CNN Politics
Last October, a weeklong barrage of Russian missiles and kamikaze drones destroyed nearly a third of Ukraine’s power sta...


意味 [U] (企業) 買収; (土地· 権力などの) 獲得; [C]被買収企業; 企業買収行為

Amazon closes its acquisition of One Medical, but scrutiny of the deal is not over

Amazon closes .9 billion deal to acquire One Medical | CNN Business
Amazon closed its acquisition of health care provider One Medical and its parent in a .9 billion deal on Wednesday, ho...


意味 [U] [精神医] 認知症, (後天性の) 痴呆

Living in pain raises your risk for dementia, study says

Dementia risk rises if you live with chronic pain, study says | CNN
Living in pain leads to faster cognitive decline and later dementia, a new study revealed, and the risk rises if you hav...


eating disorder

意味 摂食障害 (拒食症· 過食症など) (bulimia).

What is disordered eating? And why do 20% of the world’s kids show signs of it?

What is disordered eating? And why do 20% of the world’s kids show signs of it? | CNN
More than 1 in 5 kids and adolescents around the world show signs of disordered eating, according to a new study.

辞書でこの形が出てきたんだけど、どうして「disordered eating」って逆に書くんだろ。ニュアンスが違うのかな?病名じゃなくて「食べることに障害を抱えるという症状」を強調したい…とか?

come up with A

意味 A〈考え· 名前など〉を思いつく, A〈計画· 解決法· 返事など〉を考える, 提案 [提供] する

Opinion: Do you trust some GOP lawmakers to come up with a ‘better deal’ for Social Security?

Opinion: Pence’s plan for a ‘better deal’ on Social Security should be a non-starter | CNN
Former Vice President Mike Pence is telling America he wants to replace Social Security with a “better deal,” writes Dea...