【WalesOnline】Top 50 best combos of all time – fish and chips, and eggs and bacon, top list

sunny-side up served on plate 英語ニュース多読


Top 50 best combos of all time - fish and chips, and eggs and bacon, top list
Nearly nine in ten Brits feel there are some things in life that are better as a combo - like strawberries and cream, mi...

私の大好きなWallace and GromitからFish and chipsまでw


意味 〈人などが〉〈仕事など〉を委託 [委嘱] する

The study was commissioned by Kellogg’s to launch The Kellogg’s Kombos Café, where customers can pick from 25 iconic Kellogg’s cereals, combining their top two for a fun and tasty take on the breakfast favourite.


食べ物の組み合わせが多いのはそういうことか。Tom and Jerryみたいな回答をあえて省かないのはいいですね。日本だと真面目だから「趣旨と違う」で除外されてたよなw


意味 [~+[副]]〈人· 乗り物· 動物などが〉横道へそれる, はぐれる, (それて) さまよう, 道に迷う; 迷い込む ([副]は場所· 方向の表現)

But it emerged such combinations stray into Brits’ own lives, with 47 per cent of those who eat cereal admitting to mixing two different types together – and 29 per cent even admit to doing so as an adult.


シリアル混ぜたりしないなぁ…アイスもマーブル選ばないなぁw こういうのって、しない人は絶対しないよねw


意味 [be ~ on A]A〈人· 物· 事〉が大好きで ; A〈趣味· スポーツなど〉に熱中して

Nearly two-thirds (63 per cent) of the cereal combiners polled, via OnePoll, went as far as to say they love doing so – with 35 per cent so keen on it, they have recommended it to someone else.
