【Big Think】Are certain languages intrinsically beautiful?



意味 理性 [知性] を欠く; 粗野な.

It’s often said that French is silky, German is brutish, Italian is sexy, and Mandarin is angry. But do those stereotypes of these diverse languages hold empirically across cultures? Are some languages intrinsically beautiful?


英語圏の人も中国語が怒ってるように聞こえるんだw ドイツ語は「威厳がある」イメージだけどねえ。

Semitic languages

意味 [the ~]セム語 (派).

The subjects were native speakers of English, Chinese (either Mandarin, Hakka, or Cantonese), or Semitic languages (Arabic, Hebrew, or Maltese). After listening to different recordings, they were asked, “How much do you like the sound of this language?” They then could respond on a scale ranging from “not at all” to “very much.” Participants were also asked if they recognized the language. If they marked yes, they were asked to identify it.




意味 取るに足らない, 無視してかまわない, ささいな; わずかな

“There were only negligible differences between world regions when the language was not recognized,” the authors reported, “suggesting that languages spoken in different parts of the world do not sound intrinsically beautiful or unpleasant, regardless of the listeners’ own first language.”



意味 [U]楽しさ, 心地よさ.

Controlling for familiarity, the vast majority of languages scored within 2% to 3% of each other in pleasantness. Though not statistically separate from the pack, a couple of languages did surface at the top and bottom. At the very top was Tok Pisin, an English-adjacent Creole language spoken throughout Papua New Guinea. Six percentage points down from Tok Pisin at the bottom was Chechen, which is spoken by approximately 1.7 million people in the North Caucasus of Eastern Europe.



意味 [楽· 言] (言語· 音楽などが) 特定の調性 [音調] を有した.

The researchers also monitored different acoustic characteristics of the recordings to see if these would affect how the languages were rated. Overall, there was a possible slight preference for nontonal languages, they found. In tonal languages, altering the tone of a spoken word changes the word’s meaning. The researchers also noticed that increasingly higher vocal pitches slightly lowered the score of the linked language. Additionally, if the clip featured a male speaker, the associated language scored about 4 points lower. On the other hand, if the clip featured a “breathy female voice,” the language was rated as much more pleasant.


