【The Daily Meal】The Differences Between Table And Sea Salt

sliced lemon on white and green ceramic plate 英語ニュース多読


The Differences Between Table And Sea Salt - The Daily Meal
Before you think to substitute one for the other you should be aware of the the differences between these two salts. The...



意味 [C] 不利 [不都合, 不便] な点; 欠陥, 不備 ; 不利な立場 [状態] (⇔advantage)

Salt is one of the building blocks of cuisine — there’s a reason the book by author and food scientist Samin Nosrat is called “Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat.” Pretty much every cuisine on the planet makes use of salt (or something that serves the same purpose) as the basis of any seasoning because there’s nothing else that is as effective as a flavor enhancer. However not all salt is the same, and different types of salt have different advantages and disadvantages.



意味 [化] ヨウ素 (ハロゲン元素の一種; (記号)I); ヨード.

But while there are several of different types of salt, there are two common ones that matter for everyday usage: Table salt and sea salt. While they’re certainly more similar than they are different, there are a few notable distinguishing factors. They’re processed differently, for one thing, but they’re also often visually distinct, too. And while for the most part, the two types of salt have essentially the same nutritional profile, there’s a key difference: Iodine is used to fortify table salt.


発音は「 /áɪədàɪn|-dìːn/ 」


意味 [a ~/~s of A]わずかな A, ほんの少しの A

At a core level, there’s no significant nutritional difference between table salt and sea salt. One is not generally better for you than the other, even though sea salt is sometimes credited that way. Table salt’s processing does remove some minerals, but they’re largely trace minerals (typically calcium, potassium, and magnesium) you can easily get from other foods.


