【Big Think】That time Benito Mussolini declared war on Italian pasta

fork with spaghetti 英語ニュース多読


That time Benito Mussolini declared war on Italian pasta
To modern-day Italians, pasta is more than a food; it’s a part of their heritage the fascists could not destroy.


To modern-day Italians, pasta is more than a food; it’s a part of their heritage the fascists could not destroy.



意味 (かたく) 空想的な, 夢物語の, 現実離れした, ドンキホーテ的な.

During the 1920s and 1930s, the fascist dictator Benito Mussolini attempted something no Italian politician had ever attempted before or since: ban pasta. At a glance, this quixotic campaign appears to have been fought out of a concern for public health. Italy, the fascist leadership touted at conferences and in cookbooks, would be better off if its citizens ate fewer carbs and more protein.


発音は「 /kwɪksɑ́ (ː)tɪk|-sɔ́t-/ 」


意味 (米)[D-](主に外交政策上の) 基本方針, 主義; (政党などの) 信条.

Central to fascist doctrine is the image of a self-sufficient society with a closed economy that does not need to rely on trade with other cultures to survive. Upon coming to power, Benito Mussolini promoted the production and consumption of a variety of domestically grown products, including citrus fruits, tomatoes, wine, olive oil, and — crucially — rice.




意味 [C] (通例著者でない人による) 序文, はしがき .

These qualities don’t make for battle-worthy soldiers willing to die for their fatherland. “This grand passion for pasta,” the book’s foreword reads, “is an Italian weakness, and you have a hundred reasons for crushing it to pieces.” Pasta was Italy’s “Achilles heel” and “a form of slavery” from which the country had to escape if it was to reclaim the long-lost status and prestige of ancient Rome.




意味 [~ A to do]〈状況· 決まり· 人などが〉A〈人など〉に…することを強いる [強制する] (時に受け身で)

There is evidence that protests compelled Mussolini to allow wheat cultivation and pasta manufacturing in central and northern Italy during the 1930s. Even so, the Fascist Party’s failed attempt to fully replace imported flour with homegrown rice ended up causing large food shortages in the decade leading up to the Second World War, not to mention during the war itself.

