【TIME】Is There Really No Safe Amount of Drinking?

clear drinking glass with sliced lemon 英語ニュース多読


Is There Really No Safe Amount of Drinking?
New Canadian guidance says there is no safe amount of alcohol consumption. Here's what the latest science says.



意味 [しばしば~s] 結果, 結末, 成り行き, 影響

That’s a marked change from Canada’s previous national guidance on alcohol consumption, which advised women to have no more than 10 drinks per week and men no more than 15. By contrast, the new report says those who drink only one or two boozy beverages per week “will likely avoid” alcohol-related health consequences including chronic diseases, liver injury, and accidents—but the safest choice, it says, is not to drink at all.




意味 [通例[名]の前で][医] 心臓血管の [に関する].

If you grew up believing that a glass of red wine per night is good for your heart, you’re not alone. Decades ago, lots of studies suggested that light to moderate drinking—often defined as no more than a drink per day for women or two drinks per day for men—is beneficial for cardiovascular health. That finding stuck, both among the public and policymakers.




意味 [C] [医] 発癌物質.

Alcohol is also considered a known human carcinogen and has been linked to a variety of cancers, including those of the breast, liver, colon, throat, mouth, and esophagus.




意味 節制, 自制; 禁酒, 断食, 禁欲; 節制期間

Other countries haven’t come out as strongly against alcohol. U.S. federal nutrition guidelines recommend that men have no more than two drinks per day and women no more than one. They do say that “drinking less is better for health than drinking more,” but stop short of recommending abstinence.



stick with A

意味 A〈困難な事など〉をやり続ける.

Australia, meanwhile, recommends no more than 10 drinks per week, and no more than four in a single day. New Zealand says women may have up to 10 per week and men up to 15, but suggests taking at least two alcohol-free days per week. The U.K. recommends drinking no more than six glasses of wine or beer per week. “There’s no completely safe level of drinking,” its guidance says, “but sticking within these guidelines lowers your risk of harming your health.”



意味 [[名]の前で]例外のない, 一律の, 全面的な〈意見· 禁止· 規則など〉

Dr. Denise Hien, director of the Rutgers Center of Alcohol and Substance Use Studies, says it’s difficult to issue blanket recommendations around drinking because risks vary from person to person depending on their demographics, overall health, lifestyle choices, and genetic predisposition to certain conditions. “That one glass of wine for me may not be the same as for someone else,” she says.




意味 [be ~ded]〈考え· 感情などが〉<記憶· 心などに> 刻み込まれる, 浸透する <in>

Callaci, for his part, thinks there’s enough evidence to suggest that zero drinking is the safest choice—but he doubts the U.S. would issue such a recommendation any time soon. The U.S. isn’t as proactive as many other countries on public-health issues, and the alcohol industry has a huge amount of money and political power, he says. Plus, drinking is deeply embedded in U.S. culture and that’s unlikely to change overnight.


米英は文化的に染みついてるけど、sober curious勢も目立つのは日本よりいいなと思う。
