【The Daily Meal】The Ultimate Guide To Thai Chili Peppers

bowl on red chilies 英語ニュース多読


The Ultimate Guide To Thai Chili Peppers - The Daily Meal
Thai chili peppers can pack a punch. If you're a heat lover, here's our guide to the big variety of Thai chili peppers t...



意味 (かたく· やや古) 〈物が〉<…に> 起源がある; 〈船が〉<…から> 来ている <from>.

Chili peppers’ epic journey has transformed global cuisine. Hailing from South America, they quickly spread to the Caribbean, Venezuela, and the Andes, igniting a worldwide love affair. Chilies arrived in Thailand with Portuguese traders around the 15th century. While the Portuguese may have failed in their Christian mission, they succeeded in changing the course of Thai cuisine forever. Today, Thai cuisine is widely adored, thanks in no small part to the chili pepper’s transformative power.


食べ物記事でよく見かけるけどなかなか覚えられない。「Hailing from」で覚えないとだめだなあ。


意味 (くだけて) (程度· 大きさが) 並はずれた, 大変な

Thai chilies will take your next meal to a new level, whether you crave a tear-jerking kick or a comforting warmth. From spicy glass noodles with papaya and chili vinaigrette to the tangy and sweet Thai glazed ribs, the mighty pepper transforms Thai dishes into mouth-watering culinary delights that will have your taste buds singing its praises. So, let’s embark on a journey into the world of Thai chilies and discover a range of the most famous and new emerging breeds of these fiery little wonders.



意味 (書)[be ~](激しく) 燃えて

If you want to set your taste buds ablaze, the fiery and flavorful bird’s eye chilies are what you need. These mighty little peppers, known as prik kee noo in Thailand, are a must-have ingredient in Thailand’s vibrant and aromatic cuisine. Like the Tabasco chili, which has found its fame in North America, the bird’s eye chili is the true superstar in the Thai culinary scene. With just one chili, you can add a tantalizing tingle of heat that will be manageable for your palate. It’s worth trying the green and red bird’s eye chilies of similar size. Whereas the green peppers offer a tangy and pungent flavor, the red ones provide a sugary and blazing punch.


bird’s eye chiliってネーミングかっこいい。


意味 〈動植物が〉未熟な; 未完成な, 未発達の

Prik chi faa is a large Thai hot pepper that will elevate any recipe with its medium-hot kick and smooth, glossy skin. It’s highly versatile too. When still immature, prik chi faa is used in authentic Thai recipes like green curry paste, chili dip, or satay sauce. The medium heat of prik chi faa adds just the right amount of kick, enhancing the flavors of the other ingredients without overpowering them. Prik chi faa becomes even more versatile as it ripens; drying it will make an addictive chili powder.



意味 (顕著な) 特徴, 特質

This pin-sized pepper may look harmless, but it’s a force to be reckoned with. Its spiciness is a hallmark of Thai cuisine and can be found in everything from zesty salads to spicy curries. Unripe prik kee noo suan is an essential ingredient in green curry paste, lending its signature color and bold flavor. In Thailand, salt and pepper shakers take a backseat to a fish sauce condiment infused with these tiny, fiery chilies; usually, they are sliced into thin rounds and drenched in sauce, ready to burst with heat. So next time you feel daring, try this small but mighty chili and brace yourself for a flavor explosion.


