【The Daily Meal】The Most Iconic Cakes In 16 States

chocolate cake 英語ニュース多読


The Most Iconic Cakes In 16 States - The Daily Meal
You've heard of state flags, flowers, and fruits, but have you heard of state cakes? From Lane Cake to Red Velvet Cake, ...



意味 揺れること, 傾き.

Invented in 1927 by a Los Angeles resident, Harry Baker, Chiffon cake is named for its light, airy texture as a nod to the flowing, soft fabric. The original cake recipe was a delicious blend of both light sponge cake and dense butter cake. The ingredient that made it so sought after? Vegetable oil instead of shortening; you know, the ingredient many of the best store-bought cake mixes use now.




意味 [C]舞踏会, (正式の) ダンスパーティ

Election Cake, which is a bread-like cake filled with nuts and fruits, dates back to Connecticut in 1771, but didn’t get a lot of attention until the city of Hartford started having grand parades and balls.


nuts and fruitsかー、罪悪感なく食べられそうだけど「ケーキを食べていい状況でこれを選べるか」だなw


意味 [U]目立つこと; 傑出, 卓越

One of the first foods that had political prominence, Election Cake became a tradition in Hartford on Election Day. It also provided women a way to show their patriotism and be involved in politics in a way they weren’t before. It wasn’t women’s suffrage, but women had more of a political voice when baking Election Cakes.


stem from A

意味 A〈物· 事〉に起因する, 由来する

Stemming from the old world, King Cake is now rooted in Louisiana and Mardi Gras tradition. Every year between January and Ash Wednesday — the day after Fat Tuesday (Mardi Gras) celebrations — King Cake is made and sold in New Orleans. Its colorful trio of green, yellow, and purple twists is symbolic of the three gifts brought by the wise men to baby Jesus in the Biblical story.



意味 [通例 be ~ of A]A〈人· 物など〉を思い出させる, 思わせる, しのばせる

A traditional Whoopie Pie consists of a sweet, white, cream filling sandwiched between two cake-like, chocolate rounds. Several Little Debbie snack cakes, like the brand’s creme pies, are reminiscent of the original, but nothing compares to the real deal. So whether you try a store-bought version or make Whoopie Pies at home, this confection is a regional delight.



set off

意味 <…に> 出発する (set out) <for>

Since the 1800s, Smith Island Cakes were made on their namesake, Smith Island, Maryland. It came as no surprise when the state claimed the cake as its official state dessert in 2008. The cake was once considered a parting gift that women would make for their husbands as they set off for the autumn oyster harvest. Once a symbol of togetherness, Smith Island Cake has remained emblematic of Maryland culture.



意味 (かたく)(手短に) 言及する, ふれる

This classic pie is actually a cake, and we couldn’t be bothered either way — we just want a piece! As the mysterious origins of Boston cream pie allude, the dessert was likely just cooked in pie tins because they were more accessible in the mid-19th century and often used for baking cakes.



意味 (かたく) (根拠となる) 例, 実例, 例証

At this point, New York Cheesecake feels more classic than simply cheesecake. Though many associate the dessert primarily with NYC, the first recorded instance of cheese baked into cakes dates all the way back to Greece in the first century. There, they used to combine broken-up cheese with flour and an egg and molded the mixture into a loaf shape; the “cheesecake” was then cooked in a fire below a brick.
