【Learning English with Oxford】Three different ways to use idioms



Three different ways to use idioms - Learning English with Oxford
Idioms are commonly used in spoken and written English. They add colour and interest to what we are saying.

最近、英語を副業にしたい欲がいい意味で薄れてきてて、TOEICスコアはいつか800行ければいいかな…くらいに思い始めた。 でもやっぱTOEIC勉強すると英語記事は読みやすくなるので悩ましいですねw


意味 [be ~]〈人が〉<…を/…することを/…ということを> 確信している <about, of/of doing/that 節> (強い確信を表す)

Native English speakers are usually confident that their readers or listeners will recognise the idiom, so well-known phrases rarely need to be given in full.



go down like a lead balloon

意味 (くだけて)〈提案· 冗談などが〉失敗する(lead の発音は led ) .

Sometimes only a fragment of the original idiom remains. It is common to see restaurants offering early bird menus or prices (the early bird catches the worm). Someone may describe a terrible idea as a lead balloon (go down like a lead balloon).


「early bird catches the worm 早起きは三文の得」は知ってたけどこれ大学受験時の遺産だからな…おばちゃんだからほんと新しいこと覚えられないのよ。

put A on the back burner

意味 (くだけて)A〈計画など〉を後回し [最優先] にする.

Another common way of changing an idiom is to reverse its meaning. For example, if you don’t want to deal with a problem straight away, you may put it on the back burner, but if something needs immediate attention, you can put it on the front burner. In your home village, you might be a big fish in a small pond but if you move to a large city you could end up a small fish in a very big pond.



(the) carrot and (the) stick (approach)

意味 あめとむち, 報酬と罰; [形容詞的に; [名]の前で]あめとむちの〈手法など〉

Many idioms are very versatile and can be changed in a variety of ways. A carrot and stick approach involves offering rewards and making threats to persuade someone to do something. However, you may come across examples like the following:


call a spade a spade

意味 (くだけて) ありのままを言う, ずけずけと言う.

Substitutions can also be used to alter the meaning of an idiom. For example, a plain-talking person will call a spade a spade, but someone who is more frank than necessary may call a spade a shovel. On the other hand, someone who is reluctant to speak plainly may call a spade a gardening implement.


