Boxing Day / reinforce / ramp up A / onset / toddler / carry out A / Bow / nanny state




Boxing Day

意味 [U] ボクシングデー (クリスマスの翌日 (12 月 26 日); ただし, その日が日曜日ならその翌日; 法定休日).

Boxing Day sales: Shoppers predicted to spend less
Boxing Day sales: Spending predicted to fall
£3.7bn is expected to be spent on Tuesday, research suggests, but that is still down on 2022.

語源は[かつて, この日に使用人や郵便配達人に贈り物 (Christmas box) をしたことから]ですって。家族や友人以外にも贈り物をする習慣っていいですね。


意味 〈人· 物· 事が〉〈状況· 意見· 感情など〉を強化する, より強固にする

TikTok 2023: Are gender-based trends reinforcing stereotypes?
TikTok 2023: Are gender-based trends reinforcing stereotypes?
Girl dinner was one of the biggest hashtags on the video-sharing app in the last 12 months.

ramp up A

意味 A〈生産· スピードなど〉を増やす, 上げる.

Americans ramped up spending during the holidays despite some financial anxiety and higher costs
Americans ramped up spending during the holidays despite some financial anxiety and higher costs
This year’s sales are more in line with what is typical during the holiday season, however, after a surge in spending du...


意味 (否定的に)[通例 the ~ of A]A〈特に望ましくないこと〉の始まり, 開始; A〈病気〉の発症.

Young-onset dementia risk increased by Vitamin D deficiency and depression, study says
Young-onset dementia risk increased by Vitamin D deficiency and depression, study says
A major study has identified 15 risk factors for young-onset dementia, not all of which are genetic.



意味 [C]よちよち歩き [歩き始め] の幼児

North Carolina toddler opens entire family’s Christmas presents at 3 a.m.
North Carolina toddler opens entire family's Christmas presents at 3 a.m.
A couple woke up on Christmas morning to their 3-year-old loudly requesting a pair of scissors to open a gift he unwrapp...

carry out A

意味 (ややかたく) (予告した [指図された] 通り)A〈計画· 命令· 脅し· 約束など〉を実行する, 果たす (execute)

US carries out airstrikes against militants in Iraq following attack on air base
US carries out airstrikes against militants in Iraq following morning attack on Erbil Air Base
U.S. military forces carried out airstrikes on facilities in Iraq used by Kataib Hezbollah and its affiliates on Christm...


意味 <…に向かって> (敬意· あいさつとして) おじぎをする, 頭を下げる, 腰をかがめる (down) <before, to>

Henry Cavill Bows Down to the Action God of Hollywood, Calls This Star the Real Superman
Henry Cavill Bows Down to the Action God of Hollywood, Calls This Star the Real Superman
Henry Cavill pays tribute to Tom Cruise, declaring him the genuine superhero of Hollywood's action domain in a respectfu...

nanny state

意味 (主に英· 否定的に)[the ~; 単数形で](国民の生活を過度に保護しようとする) 福祉国家.

England heads for obesity disaster as minister frets about nanny state
England heads for obesity disaster as minister frets about nanny state
Government has shelved policies that could have helped to change landscape weighted in favour of unhealthy food options

