【TIME】Why You’re Not Losing Weight

white and black plane in mid air 英語ニュース多読


Why You're Not Losing Weight
Here are five popular methods that often fail—and alternatives that are more likely to lead to long-term success.



意味 〈行為が〉無益な, むだな, 効果のない (vain)

But that doesn’t mean trying to shed pounds is futile. Studies show that some approaches are, in fact, effective.


発音は「 /fjúːt (ə)l|-taɪl/ 」語尾、どっちもありなのね。


意味 〈数· 得点など〉を計算する, 数える (up).

Tracking calories may be effective in the short term, but it typically results in frustration and failure in the long run. One reason is that calorie-counting is difficult to do precisely. While food packages and some restaurant menus list calories, they’re not always accurate. And many foods, such as those in home-cooked meals, don’t come with listed calories. Even with the help of apps, deconstructing these foods to tally calories is often tedious and time-consuming.




意味 [be ~]〈人などが〉<…する> 傾向があって, <…> しがちで <to do>

Viewing exercise as a weight-loss method creates unrealistic expectations that make us more likely to give up on physical activity. And it turns exercise into a type of punishment, a price we must pay to slim down and something we’re therefore inclined to avoid.




意味 …を悪とみなす, 悪者扱いする, 悪魔のような存在として描く.

Weight-loss approaches that demonize entire categories of food may work temporarily, but they’re rarely sustainable over time. A number of studies comparing restrictive diets such as low-carb and low-fat have found that there are no clear winners. After about a year, people on competing diets wind up losing roughly the same amount of weight.



意味 〈人· 物が〉〈物· 事など〉を強調する, 重要視する

INSTEAD: Pay attention to the general quality of your diet. Emphasize whole foods like vegetables, fruits, whole grains, beans, nuts, seafood, and lean poultry, and minimize highly processed foods (sometimes called “ultra-processed” foods) such as chips, cookies, refined grains, soda, hot dogs, and fries. Research suggests that this eating pattern is effective for not only managing weight long term but also optimizing our health.




意味 (くだけて)〈状況などが〉よくなる.

Foods low in energy density—meaning they contain fewer calories per bite—may be especially helpful. Examples include salads, broth soups, beans, plain yogurt, and most fruits and veggies. Such foods, which are relatively high in water, give you more bang for your calorie buck, allowing you to fill up on fewer calories. A number of studies show that a low energy-density diet is effective for controlling weight.



意味 (米· くだけて)=hotchpotch  (主に英)[通例 a ~ of A]A の混合, 寄せ集め ((米)hodgepodge)

Weight-loss supplements often contain a hodgepodge of ingredients such as caffeine, green tea extract, and raspberry ketone. Like other dietary supplements, they’re only loosely regulated, and manufacturers aren’t required to prove their products are safe or effective. Nor is there any guarantee that supplements contain what’s listed on the label. Some products have been found to contain banned substances such as ephedra.




意味 of or relating to the treatment of obesity

Though the safety of bariatric surgery has improved greatly in recent years, it nevertheless does have risks and possible side effects. It’s therefore important to carefully assess how these stack up against your weight-related health risks and the potential benefits.

