【The New Yorker】Brokeback Mountain in Manhattan

brown mountain 英語ニュース多読


Brokeback Mountain in Manhattan
He met the cowboy of his dreams (no, not a stripper). A man who wore denim-on-denim and ate vittles. A man whose pronoun...

The New Yorkerのいつもの。

theme party

意味 (英) テーマパーティ (テーマに沿った衣装で参加する).

JACK: Why are you wearing a cowboy hat?
ENNIS: It’s from a theme party in the Pines. Why are you wearing cowboy boots?


やだ、設定がふざけてるw 好きw

get A started

意味 (主に話) A〈人· 物· 事〉に始めさせる

ENNIS: I’m not sure. Why do people go to Montauk?
JACK: Don’t get me started. Have you ever branded anything?


hook up with A

意味 A〈人〉と恋愛 [性的] 関係になる

JACK: I once hooked up with a cowboy.



意味 (ほめて)[通例[名]の前で]たくましい, 男らしい; 精悍な〈男性· 顔つきなど〉.

JACK: No, like on “Yellowstone” or “Westworld.” Which one has the robots?
ENNIS: “Westworld.” “Yellowstone” has Kevin Costner wearing aviators. It’s like “Westworld” if the robots had stylists. But the guy I dated was really rugged. Like, chewing tobacco and no bathing and he didn’t wax anything. His name was Brunt and he lived in a bunkhouse and ate vittles. He could rope things.

