【Prestige Online】Which Are the Magnesium-Rich Foods and How to Incorporate Them Into Your Diet?

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Which Are the Magnesium-Rich Foods and How to Incorporate Them Into Your Diet?
Here is a list of magnesium-rich foods, their benefits and tips about how to include them in your everyday diet without ...



意味 [C] [生物] 酵素.

Magnesium is an essential mineral that influences brain and heart function. It is crucial to ensure one’s dietary requirement for magnesium because it affects over 300 biochemical reactions and enzyme systems in humans. If you are struggling with sleep or are generally feeling low on energy, it is time to get your magnesium levels checked. Here is a list of magnesium-rich foods, their benefits and tips about how to include them in your everyday diet.




意味 [C] [数] 値

An average adult needs to meet the daily value (DV) of 420 milligrams (mg) of magnesium per day. According to a 2022 National Institutes of Health report, women between the ages of 18 to 30 need around 310 milligrams while men require 400 milligrams of this mineral. Among older adults, the magnesium intake must be 320 milligrams for women and 410 milligrams for men.


「daily value(1日の摂取量)」でまるっと覚えたい。DVって略すくらいだから外国産サプリ包装には当たり前に書かれてるんだろうな。


意味 ソバ粉 (buckwheat flour) (米国ではパンケーキに用いる).

This whole grain contains around 86 milligrams of magnesium which forms 20 per cent of the total dietary magnesium intake. This fibre-rich food is also essential for B vitamins, selenium and manganese which reduces inflammation and good heart health. You can mix buckwheat flour with other kinds to make pancakes, potato poppers, muffins and other food items.



意味 〈物· 事が〉…を含む, 取り入れる; <…へ>…を組み入れる <into, in> ((よりくだけて)build in)

A cup of boiled spinach contains a whopping 157 milligrams of magnesium, which is nearly 37 per cent of the DV! In addition to this mineral, it also contains iron, manganese and vitamins A, C, and K, which protect cells from damage and reduce cancer risk. Make a smoothie or add it to your meals, spinach can be incorporated into your diet in various ways.




意味 [C]内面, 内層; 胃; [医] 内膜.

This vegan superfood is a rich source of protein along with magnesium. A cup of 100 grams of tofu contains 35 milligrams of magnesium which is eight per cent of total DV. Its main function is to protect the cell lining in arteries which reduces the chances of stomach cancer.


