【Big Think】6 books that shaped Japanese philosophy



6 books that shaped Japanese philosophy
How to approach the history and progress of Japanese philosophy through just a handful of monumental texts.



意味 (宗教· 哲学などの) 諸派統合の.

Many who think that there is such a thing as Japanese philosophy argue that what makes it distinctive is its syncretic character — i.e. opposing theories are combined rather than rejecting one for another. The books I have chosen as shaping Japanese thought are characteristic of this syncretism. They’re also foundational texts of different traditions within Japanese intellectual history, such as Buddhism and Bushidō.



from the outset

意味 最初から.

Right from the outset, I’m cheating a little in my choice of philosophy books because the Shōtoku Constitution isn’t really a work of “philosophy.” Nor, for that matter, is it a “constitution” either. As the 20th-century historian James Murdoch described it in his history of Japan, it’s “nothing but a jumble of old and out-worn moral platitudes.”


the Japanese Archipelago

意味 日本列島.

Although two different texts, the Kojiki (Record of Ancient Matters)and Nihonshoki (Chronicles of Japan) tell largely the same story. Both works of history, they begin with a story of the creation of the Japanese archipelago called the “ki-ki myth” and go on to recount Japanese history from around the 7th century BCE through to the 8th century ACE, becoming increasingly historically accurate (i.e. less pseudohistorical or mythical) in their accounts of later centuries.



intellectual history

意味 思想史.

At the beginning of the 9th century, when the Buddhist Phase of Japanese intellectual history was just kicking off, two monks — Saichō and Kūkai — returned from China, bringing back to Japan with them Tendai and Shingon Buddhism.



意味 [C] (個々の特に道徳上の) 美点, 美徳, 徳目

Nitobe associated Bushidō with seven virtues: rectitude, courage, benevolence, politeness, sincerity, honor, and loyalty. He compared it to Homeric values and medieval chivalry, which he considered European analogs of Bushidō.

