【Eater NY】This East Village ‘Candy Store’ Still Serves Some of the Area’s Best Fries



This East Village ‘Candy Store’ Still Serves Some of the Area’s Best Fries
This week’s diary of dishes includes some top-notch snacks in Flushing



意味 大切にされている, かわいがられた

Owner and Iranian Navy veteran Ray Alvarez survived a brutal attack recently but is recovering and again working the fryers in the back of Ray’s Candy Store, the cherished soda fountain that he took over in 1974, but which is doubtlessly much older judging by the vintage soda pulls and a green linoleum counter so old and worn it looks like a photo of a supernova.



意味 (書)[通例 be ~ing](得意気に) 見せびらかしている; 〈表情など〉を浮かべている

Lao Jie Shi Fang (135-45 Roosevelt Avenue) sports a black awning that reads: “Main business: fried buns, fried dumplings, breakfast. Attached: spicy hot pot, noodles.” Indeed the display of buns, sausages, and skewered items like turnip cakes and fish balls in buckets is so beguiling that I was drawn to the window like a pair of plyers to a magnet.


Taiwanese sausages美味しそう…。


意味 管の; 管状の.

A little further downhill find Kwafood Fried Skewer (135-05 Roosevelt Avenue), which allows you to pick ingredients from the window that are then fried or steamed, including corn on the cob, tubular rice cakes, green-stemmed cauliflower, and white sweet potato. If you’re looking for something healthy, this may be the window to hit. 135-45 to 135-05 Roosevelt Avenue, near Main Street, Flushing




意味 tibia[C] [解剖] 脛骨 (shinbone).

The menu forces you to assemble dishes by selecting from columns; luckily there are no bad choices. Always have the food with injera rather than rice. I picked chicken tibs with collard greens and the red lentil stew called misir. All the components were relatively spicy, and this isn’t one of those places that holds back on account of tender-tongued consumers. There are sauces, too, but you can do without them.


