【The Walrus】Yes, It’s Okay to Throw Away a Book

white and black labeled book 英語ニュース多読


Yes, It’s Okay to Throw Away a Book | The Walrus
We love acquiring, hoarding, and displaying books even more than we love reading them


occupational hazard

意味 職業上の危険, 労災.

It’s rare that a week goes by without a new book finding its way onto my overcrowded shelves. This is partly an occupational hazard, as someone who reads and reviews books professionally; they often come to me unbidden, mailed by publicists and publishers.



意味 (かたく)〈権力· 地位など〉を不法に奪う, 強奪する; 〈土地など〉を不法に占有する

Usually, I read these new books, but not always. My interest is usurped by library books, with their urgent loan periods, or forthcoming releases I’m reviewing for work, or a TV series that I’m binging instead of reading anything at all. Have you seen Deadloch? It’s fantastic. By the season finale, the book I meant to read has been supplanted on my nightstand by another recent addition.




意味 〈批判· 脅迫· 前提などが〉それとなく示された, 暗黙の (⇔explicit)

For some, unread books aren’t an issue as long as they fulfill their implicit secondary function: as decorative objects and social signifiers. The pandemic only made this more conspicuous, as many of us have been compelled by Zoom, Google Meet, and the like to stage our private spaces for public viewing.




意味 [~s]<抑えきれない感情の> 高まり, 表出, 発現 <of>

A Valentine’s Day feature by the New York Times, which surveyed New Yorkers about their romantic gestures, included one participant who triggered an outpouring of online opprobrium by describing a fairly mundane practice among backpackers: ripping pages out of a book in order to read it in tandem with a partner. But isn’t that a better fate for a book than being relegated to a shelf as Zoom decor? And if we’re never going to read them, shouldn’t we let them go?



意味 (かたく)〈議論· 技術など〉を有効活用する.

As a category of objects, books never expire or go out of fashion, and so I have the rest of my life to make it through that stack beside my bed. But I’m trying to let more of them go, read or unread, while they still have value—at least for a single person to deploy as seductive props.

