【The Daily Meal】The Fascinating History Of Hamburger Helper

burger on white and green plate 英語ニュース多読


The Fascinating History Of Hamburger Helper - The Daily Meal
After more than 50 years, Hamburger Helper kits still connect with consumers who appreciate the convenience that made it...

料理しないので、まったく想像できないんだけど…ホットケーキミックスみたいなもの? Hamburger Helperってまんまのネーミングがいいですね。

dream up A

意味 (くだけて)A〈(ばかげた) 計画· 考えなど〉を思いつく, 考え出す.

Whoever dreamed up the phrase Hamburger Helper must have been a genius — because there’s no other food product that’s so perfectly named.




意味 [通例単数形で]主力, 頼みの綱, 支柱, 大黒柱.

Though this grocery store mainstay was created to meet the market conditions of the 1970s, it has carved out a strong niche for itself that’s stood the test of time. Around for more than 50 years, this packaged dry meal kit has a history that’s both surprising and interesting. It has evolved from its first incarnation, changing recipes, packaging — and even its owners.


dry meal kitってことはやはり○○の素的な物ですね?1970sってかなりのロングセラーだなー。


意味 (一時的な) 流行

These kits still connect with consumers who appreciate the convenience that first made Hamburger Helper such a fad. The basic instructions involve browning ground beef, draining it, and adding the other ingredients — in just one pan. Then the heat’s increased to boiling and reduced to a simmer. Imagine how excited consumers must have been when it was introduced. Hamburger Helper was the first of its kind and cut meal preparation time down significantly.



意味 製粉所; 製粉機 (械).

Hamburger Helper was introduced by General Mills, one of the biggest manufacturers of packaged foods on the planet. Its main products are cereal, flour, snack, and kits like Hamburger Helper. Based in Minneapolis, it started as a flour-milling company in 1866 known as Washburn-Crosby. It was built by a man named Cadwallader Washburn and was the largest flour mill in the region.



意味 [C] (書き方が) 筆記体 (の), 続け字 (の).

Some of its earliest brands are still around today, like Gold Medal Flour, Cheerios, and Wheaties. In the 1960s, the company started selling snack foods, but it expanded significantly in 1997 and 2001. Those are the years that General Mills acquired Ralston Purina’s Chex cereal and Pillsbury. Now, it has more than 100 brands on six continents. Just look for its simple cursive capital G logo — it’s amazing how many products have this.



意味 (かたく) 味のよい, 口に合う (tasty) (積極的な意味合いはなく, 「まずまず」 といった程度を表す) .

The Hamburger Helper brand was introduced to the rest of the United States in the summer of 1971. The first flavors sounded more palatable than the original dinner mixes, including Chili Tomato, Potato Stroganoff, Rice Oriental, Beef Noodle, and Hash. Each box was a different color, and the chili tomato was the only original one that featured macaroni pasta. Cheeseburger Macaroni came out in 1973. And once there were six, there were flavors for almost every day of the week.


「Cheeseburger Macaroni」とかもう最強の字面。
