【TIME】Magnesium Supplements Are a Buzzy New Sleep and Anxiety Aid

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Magnesium Supplements Are a Buzzy New Sleep and Anxiety Aid
But do they work?



意味 (疲れて)〈目が〉かすんだ.

Everyone on TikTok is bleary-eyed and anxious, it sometimes seems. The generations that dominate the app—Gen Z and Millennials—are also those most beleaguered by anxiety, which is closely tied to sleep disturbances. It’s little wonder, then, that supposed sleep aids—like tart cherry juice, brown noise, melatonin, and CBD—are constant fixtures on the social media platform.



意味 〈顔などが〉(鏡のように)〈感情など〉を映す, 反映する (reflect)

Magnesium products and supplements mirror this diversity of form. You can buy capsules (like magnesium citrate), beverage additives (like magnesium lactate), or salts, which include magnesium sulfate (aka Epsom salt) and are designed to deliver small amounts of the mineral through the skin. Magnesium glycinate is popular because it’s among the capsule forms that are the most bioavailable, meaning that a larger amount of the mineral can be used by the body.



意味 [U][C] [化] 塩化物, 塩化…

Though she hasn’t studied magnesium supplements’ effects directly on sleep, it makes sense to her that the mineral would work as a sleep aid, particularly in the more bioavailable forms like magnesium glycinate and magnesium chloride.



意味 [C][U] (筋肉の) けいれん, こむら返り, 引きつり

“Magnesium plays a huge role in muscle contraction,” she says. “Athletes will sometimes use it for muscle cramping. So our theory is that the muscle relaxation side effect could help with sleep.”




意味 [C][U]偏頭痛

When sleep quality has appeared in magnesium supplementation research, it’s most often as a side effect. In studies where magnesium has been given to people with migraines, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), and a few other health conditions, sleep improvements have sometimes been reported but are rarely formally tracked.


発音は「 /máɪɡreɪn|míː-/ 」

draw conclusion from

意味 …から結論を引き出す

A few studies have looked at magnesium supplements exclusively as an insomnia treatment, but they have all been too small and targeted to specific populations to draw conclusions from. One such study in 2012 included only elderly participants and had a sample size of only 46 people.




意味 [通例[名]の前で]一番信頼できる, 権威のある〈研究など〉.

Another more recent study from 2019 included magnesium as an insomnia treatment, but only as part of a supplement that also contained melatonin and vitamin B. In 2022, the authors of a review that analyzed all studies of magnesium as an insomnia treatment concluded that without more and longer-lasting research, no definitive link between magnesium and sleep could be drawn.


suffer from A

意味 〈人などが〉A〈病気など〉を患う

Magnesium’s biggest starring role in the health world has long been for the treatment of migraines; certain formulas and strengths are made available via prescription to those who suffer from the attacks. Current theories about how magnesium works to alleviate these symptoms primarily suggest that magnesium gives the brain a sort of boost to resume normal function, including moderating the release of chemical signals and drawing healing factors into the area.

