【Big Think】Albert Camus on suicide, absurdity, and the meaning of life

woman in white long sleeve shirt raising her hands 英語ニュース多読


Albert Camus on suicide, absurdity, and the meaning of life
Albert Camus was a Franco-Algerian philosopher with some great insights on the absurdity of life and how to navigate it.



意味 実存主義 (者) (の).

Albert Camus was a Franco-Algerian writer who preferred not to be called a philosopher. He is often associated with the existentialist school of thought, though he preferred to be considered separately from it. His life and way of thinking are rather different from most philosophers and even the existentialists he is grouped with.




意味 [ギ神] シシフォス, シーシュポス (ギリシャのコリント (Corinth) の悪王; 死後地獄に落ち, 際限なく落ちる大岩を山頂に押し上げる罰を科された).

“There is only one really serious philosophical problem, and that is suicide,” so claims Camus in his essay The Myth of Sisyphus. By starting with the question of whether life is worth living, Camus places the problem of how we are to live our lives squarely in the center of his thought.



意味 (主に英)[通例肯定文で]かなり, 相当; やや, いくぶん, 思ったより (程度に段階がある[形][副][名][動]を修飾して) .

Camus makes a rather bold claim on the meaning of life: there isn’t one and we can’t make one either. He argues that it is impossible for us to find a satisfying answer to the question of the meaning of life, and any attempt to impose a meaning on the universe will end in disaster, as whatever meaning we pick will be sent up later. He further denies that science, philosophy, society, or religion could ever create a meaning of life that would be immune to the problem of absurdity.




意味 [the ~; 名詞的に; 集合的に]不合理なもの; ばかげたこと; (実存主義の思想· 演劇などの) 不条理 (主義) (単数扱い) .

Camus’ entire philosophy is based on the idea of the absurd. Humans have a drive to find meaning in things and where it doesn’t exist we usually try to create it. However, as the universe is cold and indifferent to this quest for meaning we will always be faced with absurd situations where our attempts to find meaning fail. Our lives are meaningless and will remain so.


哲学分からんですがこの「Our lives are meaningless and will remain so.(人生に意味なんてねーよ、ずっとな)」って考え方が好きで、「異邦人」にも通じるところがあるので、やっぱり好きだわあ。

reckon with A

意味 A〈手強い相手· 問題など〉に対処する (しばしば受け身で)

Across his body of work, he praises sunshine, women, the beach, kissing, dancing, and good food. He loved sports and was a champion soccer player in his youth. He took great enjoyment in the little things and encourages us to do so as well. Just because life is meaningless doesn’t mean it can’t be enjoyable! Indeed, the meaninglessness is just a background fact, like gravity, that must be reckoned with.


