【Well+Good】Just Wondering: Is It Better for Your Health To Sleep on Your Left or Right Side?

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Just Wondering: Is It Better for Your Health To Sleep on Your Left or Right Side?
Plus, the benefits of choosing *a* side (looking at you, back and stomach sleepers).



意味 [U]信頼性, 信用, 威信; 確実性

According to science, I may have been right. Some research shows that the side on which you choose to sleep can affect your health. In terms of G.I. health, specifically, Ramadan’s TikTok video has some credibility. Gastroenterologist Ali Rezaie, MD, says there are benefits of sleeping on your left side when it comes to your G.I. system, particularly if you suffer from acid reflux.




意味 胃腸の.

There may be an upside to sleeping on your right side over your left, when it comes to cardiovascular health—but as with the gastrointestinal benefits of left side sleeping, the heart-related benefits of right side sleeping are far more relevant to those who have an existing heart condition than to those who do not.




意味 [C] 障害 (物), 妨害 (物) ; 閉塞, 詰まりもの

The good news for the 60 percent of adults who prefer side sleeping is that sleeping on either side has its fair share of health benefits. For starters, it can help reduce snoring as compared to back sleeping, during which “the tongue and soft tissue of the throat can fall backward and cause obstruction to airflow,” says Dr. Snow. This body positioning can also contribute to sleep apnea, he adds, which is a sleep disorder that causes lapses of breathing during sleep.



意味 (かたく)〈苦痛· 怒り· 悲しみなど〉を和らげる, 静める, 緩和する.

Unless you have a pre-existing health condition or are pregnant, there is very little evidence to suggest that you should sleep on one side versus the other for optimal health. That said, there’s plenty of research to support sleeping on a side versus on your back or stomach if you’re looking to optimize breathing at night, mitigate snoring, minimize certain aches and pains, and support your digestion.

