【Big Think】6 literary masterpieces that almost never saw the light of day

1984 英語ニュース多読


6 literary masterpieces that almost never saw the light of day
Not every masterpiece is immediately recognized. Here are six literary masterpieces that almost went unpublished.


snow bank

意味 [C]雪の吹きだまり.

After quitting her job as a clerk, Ms. Lee spent a year writing her first draft. This was made possible by donations from friends. The original draft, entitled “Go Set a Watchman” was described as “more a series of anecdotes than a fully conceived novel.” However, Lee’s publisher saw the potential in the manuscript and encouraged her to improve it. Over the next two and a half years, Lee worked to refine her masterpiece. Often frustrated, she once threw the manuscript out of her window into a snow bank before tearfully calling her editor.



意味 無意識の〈動作など〉(⇔voluntary)

Attempting to summarize Proust is so difficult that Monty Python made a sketch about it. Keeping that in mind, In Search of Lost Time is a mammoth text that tells the life story of an unnamed narrator as he grows up in late 19th-century and early 20th-century France. It spends a great deal of time on memory, especially involuntary memories prompted by the world around us.




意味 [C] <…についての> 風刺本 [話, 劇, 詩, 映画] <on, about>; [U]風刺文学.

Animal Farm is an allegorical satire about the Russian Revolution and the rise of Joseph Stalin. After overthrowing their human farmer, the animals of an English farm seek to create a utopia. Over time, their dream slowly erodes. The book has been highly praised since its release and is considered a masterpiece of satire.



意味 予言通りの; 予言的な; 予言に関する.

Publishing the book proved to be extremely difficult. When Orwell submitted the manuscript to a company that employed T.S. Eliot, it was rejected by him personally. The famous poet suggested changes to how the Trotskyist viewpoint was covered and the exact nature of the story’s moral. Eliot also mentioned the difficulties of publishing a book critical of Russia at the time, which proved prophetic.



意味 (かたく) (進行形にしない) [~ A (to be [as]) C]A〈事· 物· 人〉を C と考える, 見なす (consider), 判断する

Several publishers refused to consider the book as it was deemed anti-Soviet and potentially damaging to the ongoing wartime alliance between the UK, US, and USSR. The publisher Johnathan Cape accepted the book but then turned it down after consulting with an official at the British Ministry of Information, who was later found to be a Soviet spy. A publisher who would take the book was found in 1945, but even that firm endured pressures against printing it.




意味 [通例単数形で]特権

On a completely unrelated note, Orwell’s next book centered on a man who worked in the censorship office of a totalitarian regime and decided what was printed and what was burned based on government prerogatives. Where he got the idea for this is surely lost to history.


ふおーこの段落かっこよ!作品名やa manの名前を書かないのがまさにまさにで好き!
