【The Telegraph】What I’ve learnt from a year without booze



What I’ve learnt from a year without booze
The Very British Problems author almost died due to alcohol abuse. Twelve months later, he shares the unexpected perks o...

私は断酒から半年。…まだ半年かぁw 夜がね、長くなるからね、手持ち無沙汰だなぁと思っちゃうと危ないですねまだw


意味 酒に酔っていないこと, しらふ; 禁酒

A few days into sobriety, I turned up to a meeting in a church hall, “shaking like a s—-ing dog”, according to Sean, sat in a plastic chair and actually listened to what people had to say. I didn’t come away with a belief that some divine entity had an interest in whether I had a cocktail or not; what I did grab on to was the understanding that I can’t just have just one drink.


発音は「 /soʊbráɪəti/ 」


意味 (儀式用の) 屋形船; 遊覧船.

Sean offered to be my sponsor – that is, someone who’d been there and bought the T-shirt with alcohol abuse, and who could give me advice on how to get through life without a drink. I started visiting him once a week in his barge, just to chat about life and how to live it. He helped me immensely, though he always insisted I was the one helping him.



run over A

意味 〈車· 運転手が〉A〈人· 動物〉をひく

Going to the doctor is actually enjoyable these days. I sit to get my blood test results, and instead of looking at me like she’s about to tell me she’s just run over my cat, the doctor says my results are fine. Then I look surprised and she says: “Yes, take the poison away and everything fixes itself, funny that!” I drive away thinking how lucky I am that I didn’t do too much permanent damage.



意味 [C] (英商標)[時に B-]酒気検知器 ((米)drunkometer).

Ah yes, driving. It’s nice to drive, all the time. No need for my own breathalyser any more. I drive back from restaurants late at night, where the bill doesn’t have £50 of wine on it. My sobriety app tells me I’ve saved £7,000, just on boozing at home, in the past year.


