【The Forward】In ‘Call Me by Your Name,’ a scene of Jewish (and gay) discretion



In 'Call Me by Your Name,' a scene of Jewish (and gay) discretion
Luca Guadagnino’s film “Call Me by Your Name” is full of romantic subtleties. But nothing, including the protagonists' J...

“Call Me by Your Name”の二人がユダヤ系ゲイ男子であるという鑑賞ポイントについて。


意味 [C][通例-ties](隠れた重要な) 細部, 微細, 機微.

Luca Guadagnino’s lush Italian masterpiece, “Call Me by Your Name,” is full of romantic subtleties: long lingering looks, brief touches, meaning-laden passages read aloud. But nothing is ever fully overt, in keeping with the central family’s European, intellectual sensibilities; anything otherwise would be gauche.


the odd man out

意味 仲間はずれの [孤立した] 人; 半端になった人

“I’m from a small town in New England, I know what it’s like to be the odd Jew out,” Oliver replies.



tread carefully

意味 注意深くふるまう.

Judaism, as becomes obvious, is not the only way in which Oliver and Elio are Other; as the movie progresses, the graduate student and the teenager fall in love. But they have to tread carefully. In one scene, the nature of their clandestine relationship, and Elio’s own largely obscured Jewish identity, is spelled out for us.



意味 (かたく)[通例[名]の前で]別々の, 分離した, 個々の〈物など〉.

The same is true of their relationship as it begins to grow; they are careful to be discrete. When Elio attempts to express his burgeoning feelings, Oliver shuts him down, saying they can’t talk about such things. When Elio tries to be affectionate in public, Oliver pulls him into a hidden alley before they can touch.



意味 (かたく)[従属接続詞]…だけれども (although); たとえ…でも (even though).

But discretion doesn’t exactly mean their relationship is hidden, just as their Judaism is there, albeit subtle. It’s clear that Elio’s parents, who are hosting Oliver, notice the pair’s feelings for each other, exchanging glances without saying anything aloud. The other teenagers Elio hangs out with catch on. And, though never mentioned explicitly, it’s clear that their courtship is accepted and supported.


発音は「 /ɔːlbíːɪt/ 」難しい単語だな…althoughやeven thoughなら見慣れてるのに。


意味 自分を誇示する; これ見よがしにふるまう.

And as the two become more comfortable in their relationship, Elio begins to openly wear his Judaism, flaunting a Star of David necklace that he chews on when he thinks about Oliver.



意味 〈望ましくないこと [状態] が〉いつまでも続く, 持続する, 存続 [残存] する

Though Oliver eventually leaves, and their relationship ends, the comfort with Judaism — and perhaps with queerness — persists. In the final scene, Elio, dressed in a flamboyant button-up printed with abstract faces, walks through the house, lit up for Hanukkah, the family’s housekeeper making latkes. He cries at the loss of Oliver, but his Judaism, the menorah cozily flickering in the background, is comfortable.
