【The New Yorker】A Support Group for Former Trendy Foods

sliced orange fruit and green round fruits 英語ニュース多読


A Support Group for Former Trendy Foods
Being trendy was such a high, you know? Before, I was hated. Then some twenty-two-year-old at BuzzFeed puts you in a lis...

The New Yorkerのいつものユーモア読み物。昔流行った食べ物同士の会話。


意味 (一時的な) 流行

GRAPEFRUIT: Welcome, all. For those who don’t know me, I was a fad breakfast back in the day, and, briefly, I was on top of the world. Then my popularity waned, and I didn’t take it well. I got so deep into gambling debt, my kids didn’t talk to me for years. It can feel like no one understands what you’re going through. But everyone here knows what it’s like to have been an It Food. It’s tough, but we can get through this. Now, who wants to share first?


結構重苦しい設定でうけるw グレープルーツ流行ったねー。


意味 a piece of writing, such as an article on a website or in a magazine, that takes the form of a list

BRUSSELS SPROUTS: Thanks. Being trendy was such a quick high, you know? Before, I was hated. Then some twenty-two-year-old at BuzzFeed puts you in a listicle, and the world opens up. Now, I’m just . . . normal. It’s awful. I wish I’d never met a balsamic glaze.


dwell on A

意味 〈人が〉A〈不愉快な事〉についてあれこれ考える, こだわる; 〈心· 記憶などが〉A〈物· 事〉から離れない

GRAPEFRUIT: Let’s not dwell on the past. Being bitter isn’t productive. Focus on being sweet—or savory—to move on. Does anyone have coping mechanisms or solutions that they’d like to offer?




意味 (卑) ふしだらな女, あばずれ, 尻軽女; (男の) 女たらし.

SUN-DRIED TOMATOES: “Ooh, I’m Cauliflower, and you can turn me into anything.” What a whore. You still taste like you—you’re not rice!


うけるw 米の代わりにカリフラワー選べますって、そういえば意識高い系向けにやってるねw

Screw you

意味 この野郎, くそったれ.

CAULIFLOWER: Screw you, you’re wilted. Clearly, I’m not welcome here. You can all rot!



意味 (〈血液などの液体〉が [を]) 凝結 [凝固] する [させる], 固まる [らせる]; 凍る [らせる].

FROZEN YOGURT: Shut up! I’m sick of hearing about your problems all the time. You’re still doing well! Look at Fondue, he’s starting to congeal.


フローズンヨーグルト、ヒステリックすぎるw この記事面白いなあw


意味 (料理用の) 鉄板, ホットプレート (パンケーキなどを焼く鉄板).

BACON: If they could just smell me, I know they’d come crawling back. Get me on a griddle.



At the wheel

意味 (車· 船などを) 運転 [操縦] して, ハンドル [舵輪] を握って

A car crashes through the wall, hitting FONDUE, who spills everywhere. At the wheel is a drunk, tearful OAT MILK.


なにこの終わり方w 大好きw
