【BBC】Why France is finding vegan croissants hard to stomach

Eiffel Tower, Paris France 英語ニュース多読


Why France is finding vegan croissants hard to stomach
The idea of butter-free patisseries appeals to some but horrifies dairy farmers and traditionalists.



意味 (かたく)[通例否定文で]<…から> はずれる <from>

But this particular pastry – among dozens crowding a display shelf in an unremarkable looking boulangerie in central Paris – is no ordinary offering. Far from it. For this is a butter-free croissant, a crisp swerve away from more than a century of devout culinary tradition and a nod towards larger forces seeking to reshape French food and agriculture.



persuade A to do

意味 〈人· 状況が〉A〈人〉を説得して…させる (convince, (よりくだけて)talk into)

And if he can persuade conservative French taste buds to tolerate croissants “sans beurre” then perhaps, the argument goes, anything is possible.



意味 集団による [の, にかかわる], 共同 [共通] の

Loussakoueno was busy, one recent morning, judging a traditional croissant competition in a wood-panelled conference room close to the River Seine in central Paris. The event, one among dozens, was organised by the Paris office of the French Union of Bakers and Pastry Makers and sponsored by a group of dairy farmers from south-west France. The French food industry has a collective reputation for being highly organised, conservative, and quick to self-defend.



意味 [~ A+[副]]A〈物〉を巧みに動かす, 操る

An hour’s drive northwest of Paris, near Amiens, in a large barn surrounded by gentle green hills, a muscular, 700kg Holstein cow manoeuvred herself into an automated milking enclosure, watched by her owner, Sophie Lenaerts.



意味 [通例[名]の前で](小さな) 染み [斑点, 傷] が付いた

Lenaerts looked through a rain-speckled window towards her fields. Ninety-eight percent of her cows’ food is produced on the farm. Almost all the food her family eats is bought from her neighbours, just a cycle-ride away. Surely, she explained, this is the way to tackle climate change, and a host of other challenges. Instead, this “virtuous circle” is already on the brink of extinction.


