【Big Think】5 classic books that were loved by readers but panned by critics



5 classic books that were loved by readers but panned by critics
Not every classic enjoyed raved reviews from the start. Here are 5 great books that critics hated and readers loved.



意味 (客観性に欠け) 個人的な, 主観による (⇔objective)

What makes for a great book is a somewhat subjective question. There are a surprising number of cases where books now held to be classics of the genre were initially greeted with mixed or outright negative views. But as time went by, the critics tended to side with the readers who loved them from the start.


roman à clef

意味 [C]実話小説 (架空の話のように見せかけて実際の歴史上の人物や出来事を扱った小説).

A roman à clef novel following American and British expats in Europe in the twenties, The Sun Also Rises explores the situation facing the Lost Generation in a world forever changed by WWI and the advent of modernity. The book sold rapidly, and a second printing was ordered two months after publication. It has never been out of print and is considered by many critics to be one of his best works.


発音は「 /roʊmɑ̀ːnɑːkléɪ|-mɔ̀ːŋ-/ 」スペルと繋がらねーw


意味 [C][通例単数形で; 通例修飾語を伴って](世間の) 受け, 評判, 反応; 歓迎; 接待, もてなし

While the book helped Márquez earn a Nobel Prize for Literature and praise as “The greatest Colombian who ever lived,” much of the initial critical reception to his masterpiece was negative. One review dismissed it as a “comic masterpiece.” Nobel Prize winner Octavio Paz deemed it “watery poetry.” Anthony Burgess argued that it was not to be “compared with the genuinely literary explorations of Borges and Nabokov.”



意味 猛烈な怒り, 激怒, 憤激

The Grapes of Wrath follows the Joad family in Oklahoma during the Great Depression. With their farm devastated by the Dust Bowl, they join thousands of people like them west to California, an alleged land of milk and honey. However, they find only new problems upon arriving. The book was the best-selling novel of 1939. Its popularity led it to be made into a film the next year directed by John Ford and starring Henry Fonda.



意味 (かたく) 徳の高い, 有徳な, 高潔な (⇔vicious)

To Kill a Mockingbird is the story of how an innocent man is defended in both the courts of law and public opinion by a particularly virtuous lawyer, Atticus Finch, in depression-era Alabama, as seen through the eyes of his daughter, Scout. It explores questions of race, class, gender roles, and the loss of innocence in a way that has resonated with readers since it was published in 1960.

