【The New York Times】These Poached Eggs Aren’t Picture-Perfect. That’s What Makes Them Beautiful. (Published 2021)



These Poached Eggs Aren’t Picture-Perfect. That’s What Makes Them Beautiful. (Published 2021)
With the simple act of preparing a big batch of eggs, the photographer Romulo Yanes taught Genevieve Ko the importance o...



意味 〈物· 人が〉完璧な, 欠点のない (perfect).

Going into the oven, it looked flawless. Coming out, it had buckled over the parchment paper and creased like a shirt crammed in a drawer.



意味 [[名]の前で]破壊された, 崩れた〈建物など〉; 荒れ果てた; 破滅した.

Disappointed, I figured I’d make a new batch the next morning. When the photographer, Romulo Yanes, arrived, I showed him the ruined crackers and told him I’d get another tray ready.



意味 〈親· 教師などが〉〈子供〉を𠮟る, 怒る, 説教する

He stopped me and told me — scolded me, really — that those wrinkles are what made the baked dough beautiful. I thought he was just saying that to be nice since the shoot was for my first solo cookbook, but he took the pan and set it under his camera. Even before his monitors were set up, he snapped a shot. He motioned me over and chuckled while showing me the image on the viewfinder.
“See? It’s gorgeous,” he said. “Come on, let’s eat.”




意味 (ややかたく)…を損なう, 台なしにする

With these years marred by grief and in this season of feeling loss more acutely, I think often of Romulo, who died from cancer in June. I remember him and especially those two lessons that he taught me that day, and again on every shoot.



意味 [~ that 節/wh 節]…だと […かを] 知らせる

Romulo’s food photography is often recognized for his clear love of what’s on the other side of the lens. But those who have been on set with him know that his images also convey how he valued the people around the food — how he worked with us, flaws and all, and turned our dishes into beautiful things, then gathered us around the table to share in them.



意味 [~ A into doing/to do]A〈人など〉をおだてて [丸め込んで]…させる

On most photo shoots, breakfast is sips of coffee and bites of muffin taken while setting up. But Romulo would cajole us to begin each day with a hot meal together, even if we just wanted to get to work.


これは難しい単語だな!動詞に見えないw 最初料理名だと思ったw


意味 [~ (to A) (that) 節](A〈人〉に)…だと認める ( (ややかたく) 響くので日常英語では admit の方が普通)

He confessed that he had no idea whether there was any scientific merit to this, then tipped a splash of vinegar into the pan, which definitely does help the whites set. He cracked the eggs in, spacing them apart as if on a sundial, and cheered when they didn’t spread.



意味 〈物が〉(水面で· 水面に浮いているように) 上下に動く (up, down)

The eggs immediately ballooned, staying nice and tight, and going from clear to white, then they began to bob as they firmed up. After a few minutes, Romulo nudged the yolks to make sure they wobbled only a bit and spooned the eggs out onto paper towels.


