【Herbal Academy】How to Choose Essential Oils You Really Need

clear glass bottle with yellow lid 英語ニュース多読


How to Choose Essential Oils You Really Need
If we care about safety, sustainability, frugality, and waste, we will approach with careful consideration when we choos...



意味 〈人· 言動が〉嫌味な, 皮肉な, 当てこすりの

There is a sarcastic saying in sewing circles that “she who dies with the most fabric wins.” Some of us may be living that same philosophy with our essential oil purchases. Essential oils come in small bottles, so we justify that we will use them up quickly. We buy these precious extracts with the best of intentions and end up with wonderful collections of small glass bottles, many of which may hardly be used—if ever opened. But in this case, more does not mean better.




意味 (かたく)〈支出など〉を削減する, 切り詰める

How important is it that we curtail our essential oil buying, and how do we know which essential oils we really need? Robert Tisserand (2022), a leading aromatherapy educator and consultant on essential oil safety, suggests that we do not buy more essential oils than we can use up in a year. While there may be exceptions to this guideline, it is one excellent goal toward which to work when it comes to being discerning about essential oil purchases.




意味 [U] (類を見ない組み合わせによる) 調理, 調合; 混合; [C]調理 [調合] 品, 混合物.

The size of an essential oil bottle can be very misleading. For many recipes, one might only use one to ten drops. A 5 mL bottle contains approximately 85 drops, which means you can make that recipe at least eight times before you run out of that essential oil. Many essential oils even come in larger 15 mL bottles. Then you must also consider how long it will take for you to use up whatever concoction you just made.



意味 [[名]の前で]与えられた, 定められた, 一定の, 特定の

Essential oil retailers who sell essential oils from plants with CITES protection must have a CITES certificate to import those essential oils. Checking on the status of a CITES certificate can help you decide whether or not you should purchase the essential oil from a given retailer. If a retailer says it gets its oil from a sustainable source when you know a plant is endangered, do additional research before assuming the retailer is being completely truthful.




意味 <デカンタなどに>〈ワインなど〉を移す <into>.

As you use up your essential oil, the air space at the top of the bottle will increase, providing more oxygen to degrade the oil. If you have a larger bottle, such as a 15 mL or larger, of essential oil, as you use it, it may be beneficial to decant the remaining amount into a smaller bottle, such as a 10 mL or 5 mL bottle.


