【The Daily Meal】8 Fast Food Bagel Breakfast Sandwiches Ranked, According To Reviews

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8 Fast Food Bagel Breakfast Sandwiches Ranked, According To Reviews - The Daily Meal
A fast food bagel breakfast sandwich can be a great morning meal, but not all are created equal. Here's how various offe...



意味 〈食べ物が〉満腹感を与える.

Bagels are a great way to kick off the day — but a bagel breakfast sandwich is even better. Usually layered with eggs and cheese along with bacon or sausage, bagel breakfast sandwiches are filling and delicious. There can also be some surprising variation, depending on the flavor of the bagels offered, types of cheese on the menu, and various spreads.


いいな、eggs and cheese along with baconなら食べごたえあるよね。いいなー。


意味 [C][U]評価, 判定

To form our ranking, we combined our own experiences eating at these restaurants along with an evaluation of reviews on Yelp and YouTube. If you’re a bagel lover looking to get the best bang for your buck, you’re in the right place.



意味 〈人· 国などが〉…を支配する, 統治する, 牛耳る; …で優位 [多数] を占める

Dunkin Donuts dominates the breakfast market with more than 13,000 locations around the globe. But just because something is widely available doesn’t necessarily mean that everything on the menu is top-notch. To be fair, Dunkin Donuts has pretty reasonable prices, which is always appreciated. Yet it’s also true that you often get what you pay for, and Dunkin Donuts’ bagels aren’t exactly something to write home about.


Dunkin Donutsって村上春樹好きには気になるので、日本にできないかなあ。


意味 〈被害· 影響などが〉大規模な, 莫大な, 大量の

The company’s bagel breakfast sandwiches come with a choice of sausage, bacon, cheese, and eggs. Some of them also come with an avocado spread. During an extensive taste test of Tim Hortons’ menu, food critic Corey Mintz reported that the company’s bagel tastes like a supermarket bagel. “It’s neither fluffy like a New York bagel nor sweetly chewy like a Montreal bagel,” Mintz revealed.




意味 (かたく)[文修飾]残念ながら, 悲しいことに.

If we’re going to go out and pay for a breakfast bagel sandwich at a fast food joint, we’re expecting the bagel to at least be better than a grocery store bagel. Alas, that’s not the case here at Tim Hortons, landing near the very bottom of our ranking.


発音は「 /əlǽs, əlɑ́ːs/ 」真ん中が強声なのね。


意味 〈物などが〉(広範囲に· 不規則に) 散らばっている, 点在 [散在] している

Honey Dew Donuts is a fast food chain with dozens of locations scattered across Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island. The company’s menu has a wide variety of donuts that include jelly donuts, coconut donuts, and French crullers. Honey Dew Donuts has plenty of other options on the table too, such as yogurt with fruit and granola and customized breakfast sandwiches.


店名からもう胸焼けがw でもドーナツチェーンが豊富なの羨ましい。


意味 (ややかたく) …よりまさる, 優れている (excel)

Einstein Bros. Bagels has a head baker at each of its locations that makes fresh bagels every morning. The bakers continue to bake bagels all day long, which ensures that customers are getting the freshest bagels possible regardless of what time they come to the restaurant. By working to provide fresh, high-quality bagels around the clock, Einstein Bros. surpasses much of its competition.


