【The New York Times】In Singapore, Lunar New Year Is a Multicultural Feast (Published 2022)

cooked dish on gray bowl 英語ニュース多読


In Singapore, Lunar New Year Is a Multicultural Feast (Published 2022)
The ethnic diversity of the island nation shines through food during the two-week festivities.


hot pot

意味 羊 [牛] 肉· ジャガイモ· タマネギの煮込み.

For about two decades, Shila Das has brought her chicken curry and nasi biryani to her best friend, Wendy Chua, for their Lunar New Year celebrations together in their native Singapore. They start the day with those dishes, then have hot pot.



意味 [C][集合的に; (主に英) では単複両扱い](俳優· 歌手· アクロバットなどの) 一座, 一団.

The women, both 51, began spending the holiday together as teenagers, watching lion dance troupes perform in the wide atrium of Ms. Chua’s grandfather’s house. Nearly three decades ago, the ethnically Chinese Chua family tasked Ms. Das, who is Indian and Vietnamese, with presiding over its household’s New Year lo hei ceremony, a Singaporean tradition centered on yu sheng, one of the country’s most popular New Year dishes.




意味 (かたく)〈機会· 始まりなどが〉幸先の良い, 吉兆の; 〈日などが〉縁起のよい.

Ms. Das led the family in tossing the ingredients, flinging raw fish, crackers, slivered carrots and pickled ginger into the air while shouting auspicious phrases in Chinese. (Lo hei means “tossing up good fortune” in Cantonese.)



意味 [複数扱い]4 分の 3 (の量 [数]) ( (米) では three fourths ともいう)

Lunar New Year, which falls on Feb. 1 this year, is celebrated in Singapore primarily by members of the Chinese diaspora, who make up three-quarters of the population.


算数ダメ人間なのでこういう言い回しほんときついw でもこれは慣れですねがんばろう。


意味 (遠い) 祖先, 先祖

They include those who are Hokkien, Cantonese and Teochew from southeastern China; Hainanese from the island province of Hainan; Hakka, a migrant group spread out all over China; and Peranakan, who have been in the region for over 400 years and also have mixed Malay and European ancestry.



意味 [U] (社会· 生活などの) 基本構造 [関係], 基礎; 慣例

Each ethnic group has its own set of traditions, but years of living among one another, and among other peoples like Malays and Indians, have created the island’s colorful and distinctive culinary fabric.




意味 混ざる, 混ざり合う

Because Singapore is a port city where people from different cultures have mingled and shared food for centuries, sharing a multicultural holiday meal “comes as naturally as breathing,” said Christopher Tan, 49, a food writer who wrote a cookbook about traditional Southeast Asian pastries. For the holiday, he makes nian gao, a sticky rice cake that is a Chinese symbol of prosperity.



意味 [U] 入植, 移民 (すること)

Desserts for the holiday used to be mostly made out of rice grown in the region. But British settlements and eventual colonization brought wheat flour and butter to Singapore, which are now also commonly used.


