【The Daily Meal】What People Dip Their Fries In Around The World



What People Dip Their Fries In Around The World - The Daily Meal
You might love french fries, but did you know when it comes to the delicious potato sticks people all around the world p...



意味 [U][C]催淫剤, 媚薬.

If you love french fries and ketchup, it may be because the iconic red sauce is an aphrodisiac. Well, not scientifically speaking. However, back in 1812, when Philly-based horticulturist, James Mease, brought the world’s first tomato ketchup to life, many people believed that tomatoes could make you fall in love. According to History, Mease was so big on this legend that he actually called tomatoes “love apples” in his notes. And, perhaps in the sense of a self-fulfilling prophecy, the scientist’s invention got picked up in 1876 by a little company called Heinz. Soon, America fell in love with ketchup.




意味 [通例 the ~]長所, 美点, 精髄; (食品の) 栄養分

Instead, Belgians enjoy their french fries with mayonnaise. Unlike ketchup, which can, at times, drown out the flavor of the potatoes, mayo can highlight their soft, earthy flavors. Interestingly, this is one of the main reasons why Belgians reach for mayonnaise over the tomato-filled American alternative — they prefer to enjoy the full effect of their fries’ crunchy salty goodness over the acidic burn of tomato-infused potato sticks.




意味 非常においしい, よい香りのする.

While the Belgian combination of fries and mayo is certainly delectable, it’s far from being the only delightful pairing. In the Philippines, one of the most popular french fry dipping sauces is banana ketchup — a combination of vinegar, spices, sugar, and, of course, bananas. Generally speaking, this condiment is reminiscent of tomato ketchup, thanks to the strong vinegar element in both versions. However, banana ketchup tends to be a little thicker and sweeter than the tomato-based alternative, thanks to the fleshy nature of its fruity main ingredient. It also has a number of variations, with some chefs spicing the blend up through the addition of jalapeños.


banana ketchup…ペースト状態にすればケチャップって名乗れるのか、そういうことか。

be a far cry from A

意味 (くだけて)A〈物· 事〉とはほど遠い, 大いに異なる

In the United Kingdom, french fries are referred to as “chips,” and they are served with an ingredient that’s a far cry from American tomato ketchup: malt vinegar. Traditionally, this dark and complex sauce wasn’t presented exclusively as a dipping sauce for fried potatoes. Instead, it was used to flavor the classic British dish of fish and chips. However, the predominance of this combination inspired plenty of folks in the U.K. to develop a taste for french fries dunked in the vinegar’s bitter yet tangy flavors.


malt vinegar好きなのよねぇ、酸蝕歯さえなければ常用するんだけど。


意味 (かたく)[通例[名]の前で]真髄の, 本質の, 典型的な.

In many ways, it would be impossible to declare any one sauce the quintessential Brazilian french fry dip — there are just too many options. Some people enjoy goiabada ketchup — a rich tomato garlic sauce sweetened by guava marmalade. Others prefer a cheesy dipping sauce, made with heavy cream, parmesan, and “queijo minas,” a traditional cheese that hails from the state of Minas Gerais. However, one of the best Brazilian combinations is french fries with “molho rosé,” a dipping sauce reminiscent of American cocktail sauce.

