【The Daily Meal】What Are Scallion Pancakes And What Are They Made Of?

green and white vegetable on brown wooden table 英語ニュース多読


What Are Scallion Pancakes And What Are They Made Of? - The Daily Meal
If you want to enhance your easy-meals repertoire, Chinese scallion pancakes are a traditional dish you should consider ...


from scratch

意味 何もないところから, 最初から, ゼロから

Making scallion pancakes from scratch requires a little time and patience. Make the dough by combining flour and salt in a mixing bowl. Then add hot water to the mixture and stir. Next, knead the dough until it becomes smooth. Roll it into a ball and let it rest for 30 minutes.



意味 (不正 [違法] 行為などで) 怪しい, 謎めいた (shady)

Scallion pancakes may be as old as Chinese civilization, but their origins are a little murky. The savory, delicate pancakes are believed to have originated somewhere in northeast China. Another legend says the pancake may have inspired pizza, which is now an Italian favorite.



意味 [U][C][通例単数形で] 味覚; 好み

Regardless of when and where scallion pancakes emerged, the item is now a Chinese staple. The pancake comes in various flavors and sizes, depending on the regional palate. In northern China, you typically find thin and chewy scallion pancakes, while southern regions usually sell thick and crispy versions.



意味 [C] [植] リーキ, ポロネギ.

One popular variety of pajeon is one stuffed with kimchi or seafood such as oysters, shrimp, and clams. Like Chinese scallion pancakes, you can add your favorite proteins and vegetables to the pancake batter before frying them. Try adding sweet potato, green beans, and leeks.


