【Collins Dictionary Language Blog】TL;DR: social media terms you might not know



TL;DR: social media terms you might not know - Collins Dictionary Language Blog
In this blog, we’ve scoured the internet to create a comprehensive list of social media vocabulary you might not know.


have a ring of truth

意味 本物の響きがある, おそらく本当だ.

A wise person once said that change is one of the only constants in life. That person never spent time on the internet, but the words still ring true of online activity. With so many trends, sounds, memes and hashtags happening at any one time, what we’ve come to know as ‘an internet minute’ is pretty intense.


辞書をひいたらこの成句が出てきました。この通りの文章なら意味が分かったかもしれないけど「ring true of ~」では分からなかったよ。


意味 [U][C] (門外漢には理解困難な) 専門 (用) 語, 特殊な言い回し

The conversation is never-ending and with it comes its own language. Blue ticks, RTs, Bitmojis and AMAs… and new jargon is developing all the time. We proudly call ourselves the home of living language and the internet is often its birthplace.




意味 現象, 事象; [哲] 外象, 現象

Have you ever dreamed of being verified on Twitter? That prestigious blue tick has long been an ambition of many a social media influencer and celebrity. At last, the phenomenon has been recognised by the Collins Dictionary with an official entry.




意味 [C] <…の> 略語, 省略形 <for, of>

We’ve probably all read a thousand articles about how the internet is destroying our attention span (in between checking our notifications), and TL;DR demonstrates this perfectly. Commonly found over on Reddit, TL;DR is abbreviation of ‘too long; didn’t read’ and is often used to introduce the main points of an online article or post.


この短縮前は分からないなあw Redditって楽しそうなんだけどもう少し英語読めるようになってからじゃないとな…こんな感じの略語で溢れてそうだ。


意味 [しばしば its ~](発達の) 初期, 揺籃時代

If you don’t know meme by now, you will never, ever, ever know meme. First established as a concept in the mid-1990s, when the internet was very much in its infancy, the humble meme has been developing over many years. Whether you know it or not, you’ve likely been exposed to memes. Success Kid, Grumpy Cat, Disaster Girl, Distracted Boyfriend, even Minions. They’ve all had their time in the spotlight.



意味 [C] (特定の人· 集団に与えられる) 特権, 特典; 特別扱い

Whether you like to say DM or PM, it’s essentially the same thing. If someone is asking people to DM or telling the internet ‘My DMs are open’, what they mean is you’re able to privately message them, or direct message them, on social media. For most social networks, private messages are a privilege extended only to friends or people you know IRL (we’ll get to that in a moment).



意味 〈語句· 言葉など〉を引用する; 〈人· 作品など〉の言葉を引用する; 〈書かれた情報〉を口頭で言う

A retweet is a simple action in which you share another user’s comment onto your own Twitter profile. In 2015, Twitter began to allow users to add context with a quote tweet, allowing you to add some commentary. Commonly shortened to RT, a retweet is a popular way of engaging on Twitter and posts that enjoy a lot of retweets are often heralded as going viral.




意味 じろじろ見る, 好奇心の強い

Finsta is short for ‘fake Instagram’ and is normally an Instagram account made by people where the content is usually just for close friends. There’s a certain irony in that a fake Instagram is likely to be more authentic than your official Instagram, i.e., you might share more private moments of your life away from the prying eyes of nosy aunts and potential employers.


