【SCREENRANT】What Garfield’s Spider-Man Not Pulling Punches Would Mean (It’s So Dark)

red cinema chair 英語ニュース多読


What Garfield's Spider-Man Not Pulling Punches Would Mean (It's So Dark)
More Peter-Three, please.

「Spider-Man: No Way Home」アマプラで見て面白かった。Andrew Garfield顔を覚えました!


意味 武勇伝説, 大河 [系図] 小説.

The Marvel Cinematic Universe has been exploring the multiverse in its Phase 4, the beginning of the Multiverse Saga, and one of its biggest multiversal adventures was Spider-Man: No Way Home.



意味 (くだけて) (不注意· 未熟で)…をしくじる, やり損なう, 台なしにする; …を下手に修理する (up).

However, the spell was botched and, instead, it opened the gates to the multiverse, allowing villains from past Spider-Man movies to cross over into the MCU.


Doctor Strange初見作品がこれなので「え、ツンデレドジっ子なの?」って思ってるw

In The Amazing Spider-Man 2, Peter and Gwen broke up but later got back together as they agreed to go to England together after Gwen got a scholarship, but the Green Goblin (Dane Dehaan) took Gwen to the top of a large clock tower. Gwen fell and Peter, although he tried, couldn’t save her, as when he caught her with one of his webs, she hit the ground and instantly died.



The story of Garfield’s Spider-Man came to an end with The Amazing Spider-Man 2 as a third movie was canceled, so the audience didn’t get to see how deeply Gwen’s death affected Peter and how much he changed after it. No Way Home was a quick way for the audience to catch up with Peter-Three, but the reveal of him not pulling punches has made interest in his story grow. If there was ever a right moment to revive The Amazing Spider-Man 3, this might be it, as Spider-Man: No Way Home dropped interesting hints at what happened to Garfield’s Spider-Man and how much he changed after his second movie.


